Wasn’t mentioned to be an impressive feat. Was mentioned as an easy way to tally up shotgun headshot kills to obtain a title.
thanks dude, if anybody wants to add me my xbl is shazam1411
im the guy running around with the mini uzi pwning noobs :lol
I just set up a new class with the mini uzi and 410 shotty. Lightweight w/ marathon pro.
I decided I wanted to just try running around the map nonstop knifing and shooting people when I had to on Highrise. It didnt go to well and I ended up dying more than I killed. It’s VERY different from the way I play and I need to change my tactics to make that work. Oh well.
Use the silencer with the mini uzi if you are planning on running and gunning.
I was playing demolition with some peeps last night on highrise. This fag kept camping the helicopter spot and picking us off as we spawned. I ran through the windows and lobbed a semtex WAY the fuck up in the air and sticked that bastard from CRAZY far away. Wish I could have saw the killcam on that one.
ahaha i love random semtex and when it says “you stuck…” I die laughing. Chuck it through a window and stick 'em… good times.
I stopped knifing people and instead stick em with a semtex. Good laughs ensue. The smart ones chase after me and kill us both. :rofl
I havent stuck anyone yet
Speaking of campers. I mostly play Free For All and have got, IMO, pretty damn good at it and found some very cool strategies for different maps. But something that has been pissing me off lately are these 15 year old “Nuke Boosters”. They come into your map, find a secluded place and shoot each other using tactical insertion to boost their rankings and get special awards/tags/perks, etc.
So, I actually designed a weapons package I deem " Boost Killer". When i’m in a map and find these fucktards boosting, I switch to my “Boost Killer” class which is basically my assault rifle with grenade launcher and RPG. I will crank the volume and easlily find them by listening for the tactical insertion noise. Then I will bomb the fuck out of them every time. I have got to the point now where I will purposely wait until they have like 20 kills, then go get them so they can’t get their nukes. Then I will friend request them and follow them to every map they play and hunt just them. I get a LOT of hate mail for it but oh well.
lol yes. If I sneak up on someone I don’t bother with a knife, I must stick them… if I miss, I pistol them in the back of the head most of the time depending on what class I’m using.
Its hilarious when you’re chasing someone with lightweight, & marathon and a pistol… one time I shot this kid about 5x sporadically and he had no idea where it was coming from. One little shot with a pistol here and there lol. Then I just unloaded. He mustve been pissed when he saw that killcam.
Who’s playing tonight?
Idea: I need to get the “stuck a semtex to your teammate and killed an enemy with him” title. Will you be my suicide bomber?
I may be playing tonight Vlad.
^ This is the most fun I think I’ve had in this game. A guy online and I kept trying this in team deathmatch and its freakin hilarious. Finally got it tho.
Try to do that in Hardcore :lol
I was playing last night for a while with some of my buddies. We played this group of people who were absolutely disgusting with tactical knives and the malet. That’s all they used the entire game and completely owned us.
I had the greatest time last night working over this faggot with a riot shield and akimbo shottys. Dude would just creep on me crouching with the riot shield, I’d shoot a few rounds at the shiled to keep his attention, then once he got within a few feet I’d sprint past him and drop a claymore behind him :rofl
Did it three times before he caught on and changed his class. dude just sucked with the shield.
I’ve rarely seen anyone not suck with the riot shield. If they are by themselves, they are sitting ducks.
I played 4 games last night with a bunch of dudes that were siiiiiick. Like tactically ridiculous, on both teams. Was bitchin.
Vlad and I are a good team with it. We took the plane on terminal then proceeded to rush and kill three dudes lol.
That’s all I do. I think that’s what made it so fun cause you had to time it perfectly otherwise you died/or teammate died for nothing lol
Had a damn good night last night, got my title for 250 kill with predator missiles.