calling all honda fags haha

I was wondering if dc2 4 door rear seats will fit in a 4 door eg, a small amount of modification is fine too. I have black leather up front and would like the back to match if possible. let me know.


Well when you title the thread looking for queers do you really expect timely assistance? Just sayin’


Try a search online, or I’m sure it’s been done before.

Yes they will. Don’t know if it’s a direct fit, but I have seen it before. I would think they just fit in, it is the same base chassis.

Yeah, that was my bad, i thought about it afterwards and thought people may find it offensive.

I’ll keep searching ive had mixed answers from other people. Then if they do fit, i have to find them, that may be the hard part.

With my hatch the tops of the back seats fit fine but the bottom didn’t fit well.

I did some research last night and they say the 4 door integra seat bottom fits civics much better than the coupe seats. The coupe seat has gaps at the ends or something right?

yea it had like a 2 inch gap on each side.

i guess thats eliminated if you use the 4 door seat bottom. So if anyone spots a set of rear black leather seats from a 4 door integra let me know:thumbup

Do 4drs even come in leather?

98% sure they dont only gray leather

Isn’t Austen’s black leather?

nope, gray

So get a seat bottom and have it wrapped in leather. I know a place that does them nice.

they did come black leather. word to your mom.