Calling all LED nerds

My 06 Accord has the LEDs right out in the open and its bright as hell and looks great.
i think they used these

It depends on what look you are trying to achieve. I hate the newer Caddys for this very reason. The focused LEDs hurt my eyes everytime. But, if you want the “DOT” look then I say go for it.

so i found a trailer LED light kit that i think i might just take apart and use for the main circle (on when braking) BUT i still need to make my own outside ring (running lights)
id like to use the same LEDs so things are matching. Check out the pics.
Do you guys know what kind of LEDs these are and what size Resistors?

Theres 12 LEDs so im guessing 3 LEDs per string and theres 4 strings tied together in parallel.
Sound right?
Also, whats the little black thing next to the LEDs?
Which is your fav?

Those are snap-light LEDs. Pretty standard for automotive tail lights. They’re made by lumileds/phillips. The black things are the diodes I was telling you about before so they can be used for all 3 functions (stop/brake/turn).

aaaaah ok. I work with some engineers (mech/civl/elec) and on of the elctrical boys were saying the diodes almost like a check valve. this true?

wheres a good place to get these LEDs, resistors and diodes?

Im very happy with the last picture of how the tails look. Id like to copy that for the running lights (the circle) and the turns and reverse LEDs.

Im guessing these are all on a circuit board of somesort right?

You would have to make a circuit board for the Snap-LEDs. They use the PCB as a heat-sink and to mount to.

As for the Snap-LEDs, I’m not 100% sure where you can get them. I’m sure there’s a ton of places if you search Google. I think the primary distributor is

yes, diodes are basically a 1-way valve.

I could use these for my turn signals - though i might just go with a standard LED (2prong) because I wouldnt need a circuit board|Colour|3|,Ny:True,Rpp:20,Arpp:20,Ro:20,Aro:20,Ns:P_ManufacturerPartNumber|101|-1|,Nea:True,N:915-4294925077

What do ya think

How are you going to mount them without a circuit board?

The superflux are the ones in that light you took apart. Those are pretty much the industry std for automotive marker/tail lights.

well if i use the superflux LEDs then i will need a circuit for sure. ive looked on those sites and i havent found anything thing in regards to materials to make your own board.
If i use standard LEDs then I could mount them through holes in a custom cut plexi glass sheet mounted behind the OEM lense. Then all the wiring and resistors would be in between this plexi glass sht and the back of the light housing. <<<<<<<im thinking this route might be easier since 1) i would need to buy the circuit board stuff 2) id have to learn how to make one.
Im guessing its not hard if you know what your doing, since ive never done this before it would be harder.


Id rather learn and take the time if the end result will look better.

What do you think?

I’ve done DIY PCBs before in a few different ways. I know those places have them… because that’s where I ordered my boards/chemicals from. LOL.

What’s your time frame for getting this done? (Doing the PCBs will take longer obviously. It takes a some CAD work to do the layout, a laser printer, a transparency, and high-intensity light, and some chemicals. Plus a drill.

The plexi system will work fine for 5mm/10mm systems, but you need to be careful with the resistors/parts behind, and make sure to pretty much cover them completely in RTV or you’re going to short/corrode fast. Those light housings are a nasty environment.

edit - Heres a easy DIY that’s really close to the method that I use. I go by the chemical bottles though for etching/developing. And for the UV, I just used a really high power light in a reflector and did a few until I liked how the photo-resist worked.

All the chemicals and boards you can get there.

If you want, we can get together and crank these out one day once you have everything. All my chemicals are gone except my tinning solution (which you use after you do everything on that page, before you solder components, it makes soldering a shit-load easier.

thanks man^
thats pretty cool. ill have to decide on which route
with the plexi system what do you mean use RTV and why
can i heat shrink them? thats how these ebay resistors are covered.

RTV - silicone/gasket maker. Same thing you use to seal stuff on the car where there’s no gasket or to beef-up the seal on a gasket.

You can heatshrink, but you’re going to have a bunch of 3-way connections, and those are nearly impossible to heatshrink properly.

If you’re going to do the Plexiglass way, (Which i’ve done before and works well, but it can be a pita), I suggest painting the back surface of the Plexi where all the wiring is going to be, then glue in the LEDs using some 5-min epoxy to the back flange area of the LED to the back painted surface. Then mask all the leads, then spray another coat of paint down. This will give a nice appearance to the visible surface, and allow the wires to be hidden behind.

Then, to make things clean and supported, fold the leads of the LEDs 90° so they run parallel to the back of the plexi as close as you can get them, then solder and heatshrink everything together. Then apply some RTV to support everything; basically the RTV is going to be in “blobs” bonding the leads/resistors/wires/etc to the back of the plexi.

Make sense?

^ Sounds like a good way to build a tail light for a some type of street rod, Fuck. I need to do that.

If you know exactly what you need:

If you are researching:

(Look at the data sheets)

Luke - similar… Yea, I’d like you to at least get the blocks machined and LEDs glued please… LOL. :wink: He’s looking for more the indivual LEDs showing… the ones for the '34 are more monolithic style. ;). Oh, and as a side note… how’s those speakers coming along?

Ha, I put the blocks in queue just now :slight_smile:

I fit the rings and everything looks perfect. I need to get a nice day to paint them but they will work great. Thanks again.

Tell me what you think guys
Heres the tail light with the turn signals on and then reverse light on.
For now I guessed on the locations. Once I know what size and pattern I what, Ill be more neat with my drill holes.
But for now what do you think?
is it me or does the yellow look…too yellow?
I could always use red for turns too…

Looks cool! Nice job so far!

Looks great! Nice Job.

Try it in the dark and see how intense it is for you. You may want to go to Amber or Red if it seems too harsh.

good idea. im more conserned about the day light. i know people will see these at night

Yea those are “amber” LEDs. It said amber/yellow.

I could always do red to get away from the “School bus look”
Is it me or does it look like a school bus dropping off a kid or something

hey guys
ok so i picked up some Red LEDs for the outer ring in the lights (on when lights are on)
Here are the specs on the LEDs

Size (mm) : 5 mm
Lens Colour : Water Clear
Peak Wave Length (nm) : 620 ~ 630
Forward Voltage (V) : 2.5~3.0
Reverse Current (uA) : <= 30
View Angle: About 25 degree
Luminous Intensity Typ Iv (mcd) : 8000(Typical) ~ 10000(Max)
Life Rating : 100,000 Hours
Viewing Angle : 25 Degree

Heres what the resistors look like.
I dont have the specs on them.

Heres what I would like to do
Any idea how to wire this up?
thanks guys