Anyone know where to pick up LEDs for really cheap locally, really don’t feel like ordering off the internet.

I’ve tried Radioshack but there like 3 bucks a pop for one LED.

Your help is appreciated,

Try Active Electronics, what kinda LED’s you looking for ive got some lying around here.

Derrr, I just want some blue LED’s, I want to do some custom dash work.

I actually happen to have a bag of about 200 blue LEDs sitting on the desk at the shop. I think they are 2mm 5000mcds. I will check tomorrow when I am there working on the track car.

Ok , let me know how much you want!

Thanks a bunch!

I dunno, how does 25cents / lamp sound. I plan to be at the shop after 12:30 on saturday if you want to give me a call. (780) 732-9356 :slight_smile:

hahah i did that with my talon… check it out

i also did the hvac, it was blue hell in there 8) make sure to sand red off any needles and paint white… or they’ll become invisible needles

I have actually done custom indecator lights if anyone is interested… I could do something like change the ebrake light to say drift or something like that. :lol:

heh, can you making mine say “Stopping” ?

I can do pretty much anything you want, as long as your cluster is built the same way most honda stuff is. I might do a DIY on it at some point. I was actually able to use a bunch of the factory locations that had nothing in them on my track car. I added a vtec and shift indicator, but you should be able to do it for nearly anything. Some of the things that I can think of off the top of my head would be.

Boost Pressure (to high or just for when the car comes up on boost)
Shift Lights
Built in radar detectors
Knock warnings (with some custom electronics work)
Oil / Water / Brake Fluid / Tranny Temp
Fuel Light, if you don’t currently have one.

Depending on how much time you feel like putting in you could link it to nearly any system on the car. Or just change the factory stuff to a more updated look or something funny.

man id really like to make my tach and speedo and everything blue like that.