So now that the weather is starting to change, im sure all of you will be playing video games more often. I know it happens to me every year. So why not try to make something of your super pwning on halo 3 or maybe guitar hero’s your thing? not advanced enough for the l33t of teh gamers?!?! well then come try your hand at super mario cart, or maybe even a game of 007 or perfect dark. Choose from 10 flat screen tv’s, plenty or seating on one of their 7 leather couches or grab a seat at the full 360 degree bar.

Time-to be announced
Place- Club W 199 Delaware
Event- Gaming night
Cost- 5 dollar buy-in

So what i need from nyspeed is to know how many people would be interested in comming down to play some games, have a few drinks, and maybe win a free bartab or maybe even a game system. Me and my roommates, the owners, and the dj are putting this event together and i need a list to sort of guage interest. Who would be down for this? I know i wouldnt mind stomping somebody in halo 3 while watching some live music and having a few drinks.

haha im down, i fucking destroy at Perfect Dark/Guitar Hero. lmao

if chris needs a super nintendo or a n64 for this farce, have him call me. actually, i’ll probably be working there on friday now that i think about it. anyway, is your 360 up and running? i’ll participate in this if mariokart is involved.

pretty much any game that you want to play can be involved. if your interested, we will need systems so if anyone wants to bring theirs, they wont have to pay the 5$ in. but once we get filled up and have all the systems, everyone who wants to play will have to pay. First come, first serve, so if you dont want to pay let me know and bring your system! we will need somewhere around 4 2 regular xbox’s, a few 360’s, maybe a ps3, and whatever anybody else thinks we need.


if chris needs a super nintendo or a n64 for this farce, have him call me. actually, i’ll probably be working there on friday now that i think about it. anyway, is your 360 up and running? i’ll participate in this if mariokart is involved.


my 360 is slowly comming back to life. and yes we might need your n64, chris really has no idea whats goin on here since he doesnt play games ever, im pretty much running this one. There will be a poster for it shortly, im just trying to guage interest.

I’d be interested in this. I imagine a few others I know would be too.

im going to start a list then, if your interested add to it and also your game(s) of choice. i want to see how many people are going to come and how many systems i will need to gather.
1.Bobbyg1243-halo 3