this is the entry list, you guys can just add your info via photoshop or paint and go from there. If the guy in charge doesnt get enough emails from everyone that this list went out to, it will probably be called off. also if you have a suggestion send it to him too. As for the ranking system, just put 1-6 under which games you guys would want to see down there. that will ultimatly determine how many/what kind of games they will offer.
ehh they got all their ish they need. im not involved with this event, im just doing someone a favor. apparently the guy in charge owns his own t-shirt company, hes got models from buffalo and he is in the works of getting some celebs to play some video games for support. but im just the messenger on this one and honestly, i wouldnt want you put your equipment up, chances are if something happened you wont be getting a new ps3. maybe a bar tab or a couple of bucks in your pocket, so dont offer your stuff up, not a good idea.
i’m definitly in for some halo 3… my suggestion: LAN! computer gaming > console allll daaayyy
well they arent trying to go completly hardcore yet. thats what cyberjocks is for. this is just to see how many people would be interested and i have said numerous times to get a mariocart64 tourney going, but they dont want to listen to me.
well then thats your opinion, sorry we dont offer the usual 14-17 year olds that you can find at liars, 42 and big shots. go there if you want that shit, club w is a respectable bar and if you knew anything about it, you would probably see more than just trying to find girls there. obviously you havent had much luck at it, so maybe you belong at a different bar.
pc > console. Hey ineedacar, buy any good pc games lately?
True but using a controller levels the playing field IMO. And consoles will always have more people playing competitively online since xbox live is such a perfect way to do it.
pc > console. Hey ineedacar, buy any good pc games lately?
yea, vegas from you, then sold it the next day because my fucking 256meg graphics card doesnt support shader 3.0… bullshit.
so ive been sticking to cs and cod4 singleplayer since im too lazy to buy the full game, im waiting for my new tv/360 to come in and im gonna rip up vegas on that… then after xmas im gonna upgrade my card so i can play more shit… have you played crysis yet? my buddy has it on his computer and its amaaazzinnng but even with like all the latest shit it only runs on 30fps… siqq