Calling iPhone 4 owners/users

If you take video is there a way to take a picture or screen print of a specific frame in the video???

Yeah. Just do a screen shot, by pausing video, then press and hold the home button and the button on the top of the phone simultaneously. (sp)


Oh rly?

thanks dude

Insert witty comment about Android being superior here

Someone tell me how to make it so my pics aren’t so grainy on this epic camera on the iphone4.

Coming from android the Iphone blows it outta the water

I think the camera is actually pretty awesome!

You sound like my wife! iOS sucks and is a crippled piece of shit compared to a properly setup Android phone. My wife has gone through no less than 8 iPhones, she still loves them… I can’t stand them. :lol

Definitely a strong camera, haven’t seen many bad pictures come from an iPhone 4

Read the owners manual

Take pics in well lit situations. When in low light the camera has to up the ISO causing the grainyness.

Pic i took yesterday with it my pup Liam

Android here.I smashed it on the ground on friday.Cracked the screen.Turned it on last night and just outer screen is cracked but background is perm lime green.Posting this on phone now.Not to hijack but is the iphone a better operating system to browse etc than andriod?
Phone 9 of 2011

I’ve dropped (from 4-5’ on pavement, hardwood floors ect), kicked, spilled water/beer/soda and just in general beat the hell out of my iPhone for the last year and it’s still damn near mint (the lock/power button sticks a little, but that’s it!),

Before that, I broke like 3 blackberries in a year, and 2-3 samsung blackjacks before that

Matt, if you want to buy a good camera app, check out Pro HDR i think its $1.99, really good for still shots, has auto or manual mode so you can mess with some stuff after it take the picture