Calling out: Top 4 on the list. Dig or Roll.

Emery (in 4g63girl’s car) has been waiting to race any of you guys for months now and nobody will do it.

Dig or roll.


im down to run. just waiting on parts still but im def coming back out

EDIT: i wouldnt say hes been waiting for months. he was at hybrid when i was there and he didnt even say anything to me…not even hi :frowning:

got the new clutch, i’m assuming

I would be down for a run with the RICER whenever if hes interested. Got to stop by and get some gas though.

Oh yeah and I see that you got the fridge finally!

They almost bought another one last night

" 'Cmon man! Only $10! Ya just got ta clean it up a bit!"

HOLLY SHIT!!! :eek:

I’m gonna put this in my sig and mark the day!


why doesnt he/she make their own call out thread? Why do you need to do it for them?

:tup: choda is gonna get a wood when he sees This

ok ill bring the Maxima out one last time…

OH u said TOP four…not Bottom four

Nikuk the new clutch isn’t in yet, but it should hold fine for one launch on the street, or a roll or two.

Spencer we have gas left and I’m getting 2 more drums tommorow.

Because he’s busy working on cars in the back and he asked me to.


ill race him…id like to move up in the list :wink:


I would fear a callout coming from the tuner of the car :eek: :snky: :stuck_out_tongue:



There you go, turbo ls1 and poopra are both cars that will end up in the top 4 so why not race them :gotme:

funny guy… do i know u?

Spencers Supra > any one on that thread.

Sure but actually getting him/the car to show us is like 2 mermaids fucking a unicorn.


we have met a few times…

I love spencer’s supra too but until it beats people its just a shiny dick with 4 wheels