Calling out: 12's and faster

So I just realized the other day that I can count on one hand how many encounters I’ve had this whole year and wasn’t too happy about that…sooooooo, to whoever still has their car on the road and is up for it, I’d like to get some runs in before the car goes into storage.

Rolls, digs, whatever…I really don’t care, pm me or post up if you’re down.

i duno if im still gona be out…but im sure badass is gona be beggin for someone to cruise with in january so i might be able to give u a run

I was thinking more like this week if the weather holds out…but in typical internet call outs, it’ll probably be January before anything develops…

i know what u meant…i depends on my sched…weather…and if i can fix my car cuz its having problems

Supposed to rain on Tuesday. Hoving around 58-60 all week.

My car run 13s but traps high (113+)

I can only do rolls, preferably 55mph :wink:

i have no life :cry:

stop yelling… you’re annoying.

Hey I’ll be in Jersey this weekend…let’s run 'em! Can you mapquest me directions?

Edit: Scott, I’d be down for a run…check your pm’s.

if you’re serious PM me, ill get you details since my boy managed to get himself banned in 3 posts.

as far as what i know he’s got a SBF/5spd in a coupe on a regular plain 'ol radial. if its for $$$ tell me what you’re willing to spend. and none of this rolling at 30mph bullshit.

Ok, first of all I was kidding…now way in hell would I ever drive that far for a gay race. Second, I don’t give a shit what your friend has. Unless he competes in a class like Pure Street then I have no interest in even hearing about it because it’s probably slow. Thirdly, coming on here and talking shit is about the lamest thing you could do, afterall it is the internet and no one really cares. Not everyone is so concerned about having the fastest fuckin car, some (like me) chose to build a fun little street car and want to go have some fun with it before the snow flies.

like i said, just speaking for him. i guess we shoulda known better…

No, he just should’nt have come on here looking like a complete retard. What’s his beef with Buffalo if you’re all the way down in Jersey? Seems like a pretty determined dude if he’s talking smack from that far away. So how fast is his little smallblock?

yea no one is gonna respect you if you just come on here making a fool of yourself. which is exactly what your friend did.

first you didnt care, now you wanna know? someone posted a video from here on a local forum he’s on and he wanted to see whats up.

thats all fine and dandy, but it doesn’t excuse him from acting like that…

You got me, I do care. What’s the combo, got vids?

no vids, his junk is too slow to capture on film. feel free to chat with him on AIM - stocknotch, and maybe you 2 can get something going. im tired of posting replies on his behalf.

Your Gay and so is your friend

very insightful ricky racer…