Calling people with stretched ears.

Im looking for a good site to order some new gauges im tired of paying for shitty ass gauges from hot topic. Im looking from some organic plugs or tapers as i hear they cut down on “ear cheese” and they breathe better than steel

i just have rubber/plastic (dunno what they are made of) from spencers and they seem to be good at not smelling and getting as much crap on them.

id go with wood if your worried about the smell/ear cheeessse , breaths better … in turn , doesnt stink up as fast.

Which kind of wood tho ? I’ve seen olive wood, bloodwood, maple etc.

Whichever you prefer for wood. It’s all about looks. Make sure your shit is healed with wood though, the porosity of it will hold infection and bacteria well. It’s awful for your ears to be unhealed with anything other than stainless or glass.

I’ll have to see if I can dig up the good sites for jewelry. I haven’t looked at jewelry in years.{1}27

(pulled from the latest purchase thread)

What size are you breh

worst thread eva.

Mine are fully healed

little personal huh? lol


Cant wait to get mine fixed. Worst decision i ever made was to stretch my ears. Regret it so bad now.

Hate to say it, but I agree. You’ll probably get upset at my post, but oh well.

For a couple reasons.

  1. It grosses me out
  2. It can’t POSSIBLY be good for you career wise (if you ever want to get a good job). I know if I was a manager and a kid walked in with that crap I would tell him to leave right on the spot. Discrimination? Possibly. But it’s also EXTREMELY unprofessional looking. I’d hire a slob with an untucked shirt before I hired someone with funky piercings or ear lobe thingamagingis.
  3. It grosses me out
  4. According to you guys, stuff grows around it, etc. That can’t be good for you, even if you do maintain it.

Obviously this is my opinion, and we all have one (whether for or against it) but this is one ‘style’ I do not comprehend. What the…I don’t even…

Good luck though. Hopefully you find a set(s) that works for you.

I was actually thinking about doing this a few months ago . I have both ears pirced and my cartilidge done. I wasnt thinking on going big but bigger then just a regular pircing. Is it a pain in the ass ?

Can do it slowly duke. I had mine to 3/4 of an inch and they got to the point where they did not smell anymore and did not make anymore of the build up around them. Ive had them out for about 2 years now and i havent took any of the steps to try and close them really. Im going to get them closed up soon though.

Stretch slow. Always. I fully healed/closed a 00 with no issues. I’ve since repierced it and am stretching again.

Hey Ilya. Cool story, BRAH.

Mine closed back to a 2 probably on their own. I need to get these fixed. Moved on to less perminent things like tattoos.

hmm whats the smallest you can go ? You just force it in ? Like tdilogik and a highschool girl?

Hell no dude. Taper up. It’ll suck at first because it’ll go hella slow. Taper from regular piercing gauge to a 14 at the biggest, 16 is ideal. If it hurts stop and back it up a little, then leave it for a day or two, then push it the rest of the way through.

If it hurts, it hurts for a reason. If you tear your lobe at all it will make scar tissue. Scar tissue doesn’t stretch or heal even half as good as regular skin and it is a pain in the ass to get rid of. Some people’s ears can take a lot of scarring with no real ill effect, other people are way sensitive to it.

Really though, it shouldn’t ever hurt to stretch your ears. Above a 4 gauge stop using tapers also. Start using teflon tape or bondage tape to wrap the jewelry you have. One or two layers at a time, put the jewelry back in and give it a week, then do it again. Eventually you’ll hit the desired size.

Take it slow. Always. I hate seeing people rush their lobes and get blowouts and shit.

hmm i’ll deff look into this more.


i wanted to to do small gauges for a while, but i NEED to finish my sleeve, i just need all the color then its fully done