Do You Have Any Piercings or Tattoos?

What kind of piercings and/or body art do YOU have??

Myself, I have two piercings in my left lobe, and a tattoo on my upper back. Got the tribal design 2 summers ago in Turkey, then added the red thing and my Chinese last name in the center today.

ahh ive really wanted to get a tatty for a long time…ive kinda been scared…but im sure wen i have the cash im gunna go for it…but i do have 5…9…including my ear lobes… piercings…i also plan to get my nose pierced again sumtime

nothing at all.

my brother on the other hand… damn he’s got a siht load of tattoos. (arms/legs/chest/back/shoulders…)

i just got a piercings on a nipple… hurt like a biatch

59 piercings? :hmm

I’ve got a tat.

lol nooo…5piercings…but if u count my ear lobes its 9 all together

I’ve got two tats. One on my chest (not this big):

And the comedy and tragedy masks on my right shoulder:

i have my tounge pirced and my left ear 2 times

and as soon as i have time im going to get it filled in black.

what happend to this? i want to see more. GO!

where are the other 5? i can only think of 3

add 1 more…ive got my nose pierced now woo

sup everyone, ive got 3 tattoos, and 2 peircings…1st tatty on my left arm “one love”…2nd on my back shoulder blade “soul”…and one on my left stomach side “bermy kidd”…and both ears peirced :slight_smile:


^ I thought it was candy at first because of the rainbow color LOL

lol ive never sen a rainbow candy before hahaha

^wheres the other ones? hahahahaha

those are the 3 that i guessed would be there. didn’t think of the tongue nor nose.

i got a piercing on my 2 nipples and on my scrotom…

lmao i unno man