wrist tats

anyone got wrist tattoos? i want to get one im just trying to figure out if i should or not. how hard is it to cover up if need be? anyone got any pics?

What kind of job are you planning on having in the future?

well right now i am in sales but i think i could cover it up with a watch im not getting anything huge (if i get anything) im just going to get xXx and the big X will be like an inch tall and the other x’s will be like 1/2 inch or something like that…it will be like from the movie the one on Vinny D’s neck, but smaller obviously

Watch is fine, long sleeves is fine for something that small. Just keep in mind that many people are not so open minded about these things. You may have to resort to a small amount of body makeup/coverup if you are not able to wear a watch/long sleeves for some reason and the people you work for are anti-tattoo.

Hwh22hx(blablabla) has one, she covers it up with her watch at work

My sister has a tattoo around her wrist. It’s a phrase in Italian. She took her watchband and got it smaller than that so if she got a new watch it would definitely cover it.

yeah…i got tattoos but they are on my arms, and are covered up…my own family didnt know i had one until a year later. just below the elbow is a big step so…im skeptic about it…anyone have any pics?

what the fuck is the point if ur gonna cover it.

theres a place and a time for visible tattoos and then there are times that arent. At a professional job its not appropriate!

I strategically placed all 4 of my tats just in case i ever wanted to be president.

well to me that dumb, its like hanging a painting in your closet. i’m not one for tatoos, its even more pointless to me if you cover them.

well if its a picture of something or someone that you really like, and dont want others to see, then the closet is a great place for it!!

exactly,thats ur personal preference so y the fuck bash on what other peoples prefference are?:dunno: :asshole

my tattoos are for me to see and have. i didnt get them for anyone else if i dont want someone to see them i will cover them up. i dont need to show them off even tho i like to since they are so badass, but like i said they are for me to see not everyone else

Just remember - Mr. Rogers had Marine tattoos all over his arms. Just wear a sweater everyday to work.

I believe it’s HxXwxx2XxxXX2xhxxxblahblahblah.

Actually it was Navy Seal tats:redface:


anyone have any pics? or how painful it is? i love pain it doesnt bother me. all 7 times ive been tattood it didnt hurt it actually felt kinda good

Come to Pitt nad i’ll show u pain then u can tell me if it hurts:kiss: