wrist tats

hmm as tempting as that is…i might have to say nayyyy

why bash… because i can. i don’t believe people get them for themselves… thats what they convince themselves but really they get so people will ask about them. if its a tribute to someone, whats the tribute if no one sees it or asks?

So y be in the G-Body crew> i mean it is the same principal, just so u can say ya…i be in it yo.:down: U amke some pointless comments sometimes bob.

i agree :hsdance:

Circle gets a square:D

I don’t have any ink yet, but I have a ton drawn. Actually all of the ones that I drew are a tribute to someone. I just keep changing them. When they mean alot to you…it’s hard to say when it’s ready I guess.

Back on topic…I would only get something below the elbow if your job/lifestyle would permit it. I also wouldn’t get something trendy or something that would bother you after a while. My sister’s tattoo (the Italian on her wrist) says “Always your little Gutchy” since that’s what my dad called her, and he told her one night no matter how old she got that she’d always be his little Gutchy. It’s done upside down so she can read it, and she only covers it at work since she works with kids. It’s just my opinion, but I wouldn’t get something that you can’t cover just for those occasions where tattoos aren’t acceptable. ie…job interview, etc.

I did have 14 piercings, but they’re all out now.

I have one on my right inner wrist ( its about 1.5 inches high and wide )… honestly I am sure it is easily seen…but I rarely have someone mention it too me…i do wear my watch on that hand though

and to be completely honest at this point…it means a whole lot to me ( my tattoo ) and for some reason my wrist is exactly where it should have been… when it comes to work I am a girl in an office job…I will just wear long sleeves to cover it.

I have pics I would have to look through my computer though for the ones when I got it done.

This was my first and only tat at this point and I really didn’t find it to be painful…it sort of was a good pain EEK I know that sounds bad.

post pics!

I dunno if these really count, they didn’t really hurt that bad, every tatoo has a discomfort, but as for pain, nuh…


whats it of?

The only warning I can give is if your in sales dont go below the elbow. Just think it gets hot in the summer what are you going to want to do?? Not to mention you might change your job down the road thats whats happened to me Im stuck in long sleeves at work.

Why do people paint their engine bay? I mean they don’t show it all the time, why not take your hood off and leave it off all the time os people can see how shiny your engine bay is…because of the time/place thing!

If you get something small it’d be fine like everyone has said thus far, because of the watch people able to cover it, but if it’s any bigger then that you’ll get into some trouble with long sleeves when it’s 95 out and such.

xXx??? Does that actually mean something to you? Or just something you thought looks cool?

Just wondering.

i heard that was just a rumor.

This reminds me of the time I got my monroe pierced and my boss at the nursing home made me cover it up with a bandaid while working. Boy did I look like an ass. Needless to say, that job didn’t last long.

if you could you would

Personally I wouldn’t get one, but to each his own.


I want to explain for a moment what my tattoo symbolizes:

the braided area is called a Celtic Knot - symbolizing the patterns our lives take
the ( what looks like a cross ) is called a Celtic Rune- this one in particular symbolizes… Endurance, Survival, Destiny

** My best friend of 7 yrs ( if not more ) shares a part of this tattoo with me…they are not identical at all but share the same celtic knot that has been divided in half with the same symbol as mine,in hers. Her and I unfortunalely live 400 miles away from each other but feel we were meant to be friends. This tattoo we share stands for our friendship.


yeah and i don’t hide it. so what is ur point?

i just think a lot of people get them to be in style. ie: scum bag pittsburgh girls.