Calling people with stretched ears.

Hate to say it, but I agree. You’ll probably get upset at my post, but oh well.

For a couple reasons.

  1. It grosses me out
  2. It can’t POSSIBLY be good for you career wise (if you ever want to get a good job). I know if I was a manager and a kid walked in with that crap I would tell him to leave right on the spot. Discrimination? Possibly. But it’s also EXTREMELY unprofessional looking. I’d hire a slob with an untucked shirt before I hired someone with funky piercings or ear lobe thingamagingis.
  3. It grosses me out
  4. According to you guys, stuff grows around it, etc. That can’t be good for you, even if you do maintain it.

Obviously this is my opinion, and we all have one (whether for or against it) but this is one ‘style’ I do not comprehend. What the…I don’t even…

Good luck though. Hopefully you find a set(s) that works for you.