Calling you out. Phil aka S14_2NV

hey man, you’re so cool that you don’t run a front plate! Now stfu and gtfo. No one really cares. Go jack yourself off instead of my thread.

LOL fuk you. you made a thread about racing a guy and then pussied out… fuckin homo… and i dont think im cool what i was gonna get at was why noone uses the bracket method so its on the side and doesnt look like shit.

n dude look at your avatar… you are clearly of the gay nature…

Side brackets make it looks like your tring to hard… it still looks like shit.


Yes I clearly pussied out…
just stfu omg the bradcket on da side looks so fukin cool im gon jack this thread!
yo fuk yu bro! wut u gon’ do brah?
and even if i was gay, i woudlnt look twice at you.

blah blah blah blah

…annnnnnnnnnnd locked