callout:ericvw v. cky89

i just talked to todd (rrsti) he said he would be down for a few runs this weekend against paul from a dig and a 30mph roll now that should be a good race

yeah,rr’s car is fucking nasty
no idea about phinx

I just texted paul to let him know.
I think pauls car is going to be scary. I think he expects 600’s

i think we should make it a 3 way
and get b on his mtn bike
b ill get you some racing slicks if u want


dig isnt happening, my clutch wont hold. 30 roll is bad thats right where i shift to 2nd… would have to be 40

Hey he’s got me and my friend switched (youknowthis) has the 2.0t 06 gti. Also the race wasn’t exactly close my buddy hung with him neck and neck until 5th gear then it was all over newman pulled like a bus or so and they shut down but this was all on the stock dinky turbo it was impressive. Anyway my cars just as fast if not a hair faster then his now we took a couple runs I still have a bit of software adjustment to do with room for improvement. My names Franklin. I’m down for a few runs.

Haha oh sorry, I always get you 2 mixed up.

ah i see
ok ok
but still keeping up with newman with a 35r is impressive
but im down for a friendly pull or two :tup:
btw im mike

Nice to meet a Friendly evo owner u’d be the first I’ve met :wink: Yeah I’m not a dick I just enjoy my car which is what its all about. thursday’s looking pretty good for a night of spirited driving.

word its all good happens all the time I donno why:gay2:

you two KINDA look alike, but I never knew either of your real names sooo
It also didn’t help that I was sick for 2 weeks and missed alotta brakes class

thursday could be good
i just looked and they are forecasting rain for thursday night till like friday night
so we will go weather depending
if its shitty
we can figure out another time
maybe sunday when cky runs all of nyspeed since everyone seems to be calling him out lately


I’m kinda bored right now anyone down for tonight ? My setups kinda iffy but Id still be down to race

Send me a pic of your car, I wanna see soo bad.

ha i would… but i cant tonight
spend your time and get that setup un-iffy instead of trying to run someone tonight

Really hahaha lets all race his bone stock vr6 then brag about how vw’s are slow:blah:

race an LS1? :smiley:

^ while your at it
send one my way
id like to see it