CALLOUT: Budsdubbin

Instead of commenting on youtube, this is much easier.

To clarify, YOU told me nothing about your car. Your fan club (tilly, steve hewitt (CKY, yes hes still alive) ,esford etc) told me how siq fast it was and what was supposedly done to it long before you arrived. I came up there to race because again i was told that you were puffing your chest to my friends little 17 yr old brother and his friends, otherwise i would not have wasted my time. So in light of this i came up to see this nonsense for myself. You got out of your car and automatically started putting on a show. When i asked for a dig, you declined and then I jokingly told you that you should not have picked an inferior platform and you got visually flustered :biglol: and then made it clear that you were still in the zone from the gym…After some discussion about my car in which you told me that it has “camS” we went to go run. I RAPED you bad both runs then on the way back slowed down to 50 mph in a 65 and kept tapping by brake lights but you wouln’t get back next to me, so i ran a friends car instead.
Here are some pro tips for you
-FWD sucks
-DOPE low pro street tires are not the best for high HP applications
-Humble pie tastes like dog shit

I didn’t even realize you were Budsdubbin, didn’t newman rape you years ago with his Sti when you first joined this board and talked a lot of shit?

If you want a rematch that is fine, I will not be going to the middle of OP anymore. If you want to find me go to one of the mighty meets, you can join if you would like and i will approve membership, i frequent that board much more often. As i said, the car will be coming off the road in a few weeks so i can take it apart for a whole new setup. So if you would like a rematch, the rules are simple. We meet up , go from a 30 mph roll, one run, no excuses, bring money.

Silly VW’s…

He also was raped by estrovito(?) that night who scared the hell out of me in his honda.

Ah yes that is the other car… didn’t LZ get in on it as well? Someone link me to the thread :lol:


Kid was pretty laid back after getting rolled on back then.
But is usually rambling on about his huge dick numbers VW yada big turbo yada internet king shit of fuck mountain.

“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall”.

He was running his mouth before we went to run when he had an audience, but was pretty laid back when we were just talking one on one and after the race. Regardless, :tup: to him for coming back to the parking lot to talk after the run.

Lmfao Jim this post is so full of win! I wanna piece of this vw looks slow to me :0 I might of got :snky: done?!?

Omg this video was fucking awesome I gotta get out of 4cyl amd boost fuck that

Do this @ the Nyspeed track day at empire?

What does this person look like?

been telling you, sell the fucking gokart and get a v8. Stop being a bitch. do it right the first time.

Nice kill jim

I honestly had no issue with you at first but wow JT76 = a faggot… Just looked at your supposed “kill thread” in and honestly if you were talking half the shit to my face as you were doing in that thread I would have knocked you the fuck out. Instead you go “ohhhh dude chill I was just kidding”… The reason why I was huffing and puffing was because I honestly couldn’t believe a little faggot like you would be talking so much shit within the first moment of meeting me. Normally I’m not about fighting but you had to go and be a prick about this.

Next time you wanna call me a tool do it to my face.

We will run again I told you from the get go my tune was fucked. First run traction control why do you think the second run the (camera car didn’t pass me). You can also see shit on the second run. This time let me beep to make the start a little fair, your Beep…beep…beep is retarded.

I thought you were all about no drama??? lol clearly your a man behind that keyboard… Regardless we will run again and this time the runs will be legit.

AND to let everyone know how my setup was… I was running meth on 93oct mode (didn’t have my cable to switch maps) on 21-22psi which is about good for 320whp-340whp. There ya go BIG MAN

---------- Post added at 07:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

wrong person

---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 PM ----------

I’ll let you know as soon as I get my flash cable back.

Simply going to make an observation here:

These threads would be a lot cooler if they weren’t intentionally set up to start shit show which usually results in F-body crew + nutswingers being fucking lame. It’s always the same pissing match.

That being said, not surprised one bit how the race went.

PS: GTI kid, I have a VAG cable if you need to borrow it for “Tuning”. I’m curious to see what improvements you could do on such a race like this…

Umad bro? As i said 40000 times i was going by what others told me your far has. Next time wont be free bring your pennies. I’m not here to make friends so idc what you have to say. You jumped out of your car and made a stupid comment right off the bat so if you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen. Your gonna fight me now because i made fun of your emo car? Lol unreal makevyour first punch a good one. Next time “bring slicks not excuses” if your car isn’t over a 120 trap don’t waste my time

I can’t use a vag cable for the program I run I appreciate the offer though. I’m going to be tuning your friend Justin’s car actually I just need to know the exact details of the injectors/setup and what program would be the best to tune it with… I know of a few programs like EVO scan.

No. It was you.

Right around 21 seconds.


Or was it “youknowthis”
I mess you vw fggts up…

No… I wanna fight you because your a prick behind that keyboard of yours, if you wanna call me a tool just do it to my face pleaseeeeeeeeeeee. And you are assuming from what others have said about my setup but you wouldn’t ask me? Before we left the gas station I said “yo if I lose this time around we are running again because I’m waiting for my cable to come back in the mail from being fixed. My setup isn’t running right.” I was definitly not ready to run you, but I’m not a pussy I DON’t GIVE A FUCKKKKK I’ll run no matter how my setup is.

But as I said the last moment I spoke with you we “are” going to do it again. The next runs we take let me do the beeping to be fair and maybe this time I’ll have someone filming for a better shot.

---------- Post added at 08:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 PM ----------

His name is YouKnowThis and he was on stock turbo against a gt35r civic and STI good matchup right? But we had a good time with those guys (I was there following). my name on here has been the same since I started on this site.

Your car still making 320 wheel…?

Should be around 330 last time I dyno’ed 321whp at 21-22psi I was on a base map. I still have some issues with my tune that I came accross as the weather changed but my cable took a shit before I could fix it I’m waiting for it to be mailed back. WHen I was following in that vid I was pretty much stock for the most part.

---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ----------

Who the hell are you? Seriously because the next time I ramble let me know VIA internet then please do me a favor and simultaneously press the control. alt. delete. buttons on your life.