this is true, cool ur not skimping also

i toasted 4 in one year w/ a 383… and 3 tranny’s :slight_smile:

shifty does that white mustang u have , have or did it have spray in it …i work @ wegmans on orchard park road in west seneca and im pretty sure i saw this car in the lot a while back had a huge bottle mounted in plain view in the back in the middle of the back seat…if so nice car

thats an 8.5 10 bolt with no provisions for a torque arm setup

He didnt prove anything to me. I want my turn, I want to race him my way. I gave him his chance and now he should give me my chance.


race me from a dig. [size=3]with your stock cammed LS6 in T/A[/size]

You gave me my chance? Ummm… you were the one calling chuck crying because you wanted to crusie with us. You are the one that had us sitting in a parking lot way out by taffies for like 20min so you could meet up with us. You are the one that kept lining up next to me time and time again like there was going to be any change in the race. You are the one who kept following me after everyone broke up for the night and called chuck to call me to tell me you wanted one more race. So dont give me this BS that you were doing me the favor and going from a roll.

race me from a dig. [size=3]with your stock cammed LS6 in T/A[/size]

why the fuck would i put my stock cam back in my car to race you?

And like i already told you and you cant seem to grasp the concept of. I am not racing from a dig with a shitty stock 10bolt. I do not have money for a 12bolt right now, and im not paying to fix the 10bolt if it blows up. So if it blew i would have no car. So unless you want to give me $2,300 to buy a 12bolt go cry to someone else.

oie vey

Where are you going to race from a dig at ellicott creek park?

yes… we are starting from one end of the parking lot, and racing to the other end…they will be 1/16th mile races. we will let the grass and lake be our shutdown area…works out pretty well

Retard, I said Stock CAMMED ( doesnt mean put your stock cam back in your vette motor, meaning you have a after market cam) LS6

get you story straight… I talk to chuck and he said meet at mighty,I go there no one was around, so I called chuck he said we are on the 219 getting off @ transit, meet us at taffy’s… well mighty and taffy’s are not in the area…DUH. and yes I was doing you a favor cause I asked chuck who was there that I could race he said jeeves from a roll. I said sure whatever and no I wasn’t following you retard because the group was not even in eye sight, how was I suppose to know they where going to chucks after you & I have already passed his exsit.
& quit your crying about your 10 bolt.

either put up or shut up!

are you really that fucking stupid? Your followed me onto the 990. Chuck called me and flat out said you called him to call me because you wanted one more race. So ya, you were following me to get one more race like it would be any different from the last 4. So you wanted to race, not me.

quit crying about my 10bolt and either put up or shut up??

The only person that needs to shut up is you because you cant seem to get it through your fucking head that you are not worth risking blowing my 10bolt up and not having a car to drive.

^^ word. i wouldnt risk blowing up my car just to justify to someone that i was faster than him (again).


Agreed. My 10 Bolt is about to die it’s making some horrible noises and I don’t even drag race :mad:

2 much :blah:

Shifty, i’ll race u next year when i’m out :wink: :tup: if u dont sell your car first… cuz IIIIIIII have a 12 bolt :stuck_out_tongue:

What i dont get is why do people make there cars faster, even add nitrous in some cases and dont take care of the supporting mods? Add more power and then arent able to use it… Why not take care of the weak stuff first?


$600 for nitrous vs. $2,300 for 12 bolt.

And i can use the power perfectly fine from a roll. Even if i had a completely stock car i still wouldnt go from a dig because many people have blown them up on stock power with DRs.
