From a dig

we can go to NYI,Lancaster or any street you want!

HAHA…this will be funny. sorry buddy.

jeeves still has a 10bolt, so i only see him accepting if he doesnt mind the possibility of not driving for the rest of the year cuz he’s got a broken rear…but i cant speak for him

on a side note…didnt u guys already race? what was the result? i could be thinking of a different person :gotme:

That a lame excuse, I guess I shouldn’t race either seen that I have a 10 bolt also.:roll2:

10bolt + 6spd + 2.73s = not going from a dig. Dont even try bitching and moaning about it, because you are getting the exact same answer every other person who has asked me to go from a dig gets. Not till i get my 12bolt.

But i really would love to know what you think is done to my car because i could use a good laugh.

how is that a lame excuse. not everyone has $2500 on tap to fix their car cuz of one race. these rears snap like a twig, especially with all that load of the 2.73s. ya some people are lucky and they hold a shit ton of power, but its really not worth the risk.

tell u what. race me, ill run off the gate. that should be about equivalent. or im sure jeeves will do a slow roll. sorry again for speakin for u jeevus

Its stock with a cam , ear piercing exhaust & a really good driver.

no cats and lope will do that :lol: did u ever hear cougarspeeds with the trex cam? im sure sherm will clue u in on that

missed a gear in the last race I saw :wink:


mustang call outs > *

:tdown: jeeves, time to man up to a call out.

why don’t you 2 mustang boys go race?

Shifty - Be careful… if his car in on a trailer… don’t let him park his Bronco in your front yard… you’ll end up towing them out.

Dave come to the BBQ meet on sat :tup:

turbo you should race him i think you have a really good chance against shifty cause last i knew his trans was shot

There will be dig races at the bbq. If my 10-bolt blows , I don’t really give a shit.

wow, if that doesnt sound like a setup…

ill gladly race…at the track

I thought Jeeves already prooved this point?

hmmm. details?

and are you comming to rochester sun with me?

Well thats the plan, i hope the plan comes together.

Jeeves and shifty went from a roll 4-5 times a while back.

4+ cars by 100mph from like 40-50mph rolls. For like 5 races back to back. So ya, the point was already made of me racing shifty.

And choda, you want me to man up? Buy me a 12bolt. I dont have the money for it right now, and there is no way im putting any money into a crappy 10bolt.

crappy 10 bolts?

lol u can get a corporate 10 bolt that will hold just as well as a 12 bolt man.

GNs came with them, as did the 442s, ppl running into the 10s with the GN 10 bolts.

ya and people blow fbody 10bolts up with stock power. Not worth wasting money on it