calling out my boy JEEVES

sup bitch…

8.2cr NA boost engine vs cammed LS6 NA…

lets do it
dont punk out

go sabres

oh snap badass vs. badass

lol. all in fun, he’s standing right behind me

i gotta rememebr to race jeeves myself

ohh bitch



i dont get it ?

I made an edit and i think he was the only on that caught it

it was pretty bad

:tup: can I come watch?

hrmmm i donno, you aren’t even on the greater then thread so i dont know if you are even worth my time to race. Why dont you start a little lower on the list and then i’ll run you if you can beat some people. Why dont you start by running either badazz or freak? They are both below me and would show you are worth my time :lol: :lol:


jeeves said crack crack



rofl a badazz turned down a race…a race from another badazz. wats next?

LOL, You Fuck

Just for you, my mad LEET brethern :wink:

Oh boy, here we go

muscle50 is 1337