jeeves > firehawk853
we have no video, but i can concur on this one. jeeves > firehawk853
i saw this one go down, good race boys. crown us a new king biatch!!!
I heard about it as well, although I expected it :tup:
Ugh I guess the new combo works well. Congrats
jeeves??..ya right.
weight reduction and the cam
:bsflag: Team BadAzz is up to no good :bsflag:
was chuck’s blower turned on? :lol:
No NX wet kit, maybe a new camshaft, gears, cubes, heads, etc… Nothing special just the normal magic
Why don’t you run Jeeves and find out.
this going to be updated soon? I want to be king again
im gona let jeeves be king for a week. then im gona move him to queen
Right after I move you to princess.
The firehawk might be down, but not out.
you couldnt beat me even with me starting in the wrong gear, so i hope you bring a lot more this time :lol:
jeeves, with low boost and granny shifting i was AHEAD of you…i dunno what race u were watching…u were ahead when i shifted but i def top ended u. dont worry…we’ll have an official race this weekend, maybe you should bring some money