
Yeah…it was not pretty. It was a fitting birthday beating.

Last night, I went down to a DSM meet at a location on rd xxx and met up with a few F-bods along with my DSM buddies. There was a beautiful Firehawk pulling in at the same time and parked near us. I get out and meet the driver and quickly picked up on the fact that he wanted a run(thanks to Slowtalon). Well I went over and eyed up the interior of the beast and it looked stock except for this weird gauge in the dash. Too bad I never got to ask what that gauge was for. :gotme:

After some slight BS, we went on a cruise around town and lined them up from a slow roll about three times. Same outcome everytime. :tup: We both had traction problems off the start but when he hooked, bye bye. On the best run we went from 35ish to 125ish and by then he had ehhh I would saftely say four or five cars by the end. No contest.

There are some vids around but I think he needs a host. This car deserves a big :tup: Chuck, you have a great machine there!

TurboTsi ran him a few times and there was some good 3 way action going on too.

Good times!

Yeah I have been in the Firehawk a few times, and it goes pretty decent. I think the person who put together his car is rollin some crazy shit out next season


been hearing that for a while now


i kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid

i feel the new reign of kills has begun… f-body 2005 begins

That car was fast. When I got back in my car, it felt like a Ford Tempo. ( i was in Skrappar’s and witnessed the carnage!)

Chuck’s car = :tup:


You felt like you were in a tempo, i got back in another f-bod and i thought we were going backwards.

word ^

fbods taken over this joint

PS good kill chuck :tup:

Yeah definitely no contest there… it made me feel slow :slight_smile:

625whp will do that

host them on!!!

good runs! ya f-body=fast

Excuse me, but are you building something faster??? :lol:

It’s gonna be fun if JNJ brings out something that ownz everyone :smiley: I wonder what the excuses will be then.

Nice runs guys, anyone got any vids? I wanna see this hawk in action! Ive loved hawks ever since my bro in law got his 94 hawk in the summer of 95.

:tup: to a nice car chuck. :tup: to what sounds like a strong setup, you should make a post and post up some pics of that bEaStT!! :tup:

I knew we shouldn’t have left the meet that early…

i was just gonna say that…:wave: hi. what did u expect

surprising to see someone with a good setup that can actually use disgusting hp…and not sit there and just spin the tires of a big pile of useless power…because 625whp can do that too

sounds like some good runs :tup: would love to see the vids though!!

yup, and it wont take 3 years to finish either :rofl:

driving your car > looking at your car collect dust

“Took long enough…now imagine what I can do in that amount of time”

^^ lol yeah i figured it would be something along those lines