So it was about 12:30 last night. I had just finished eating an was walkin out of the resteraunt w/ 2 friends, when we noticed a dark colored Firehawk drive by with what i thought was the worst sounding power steering pump I’ve ever heard :gotme:. i looked at my friends… then my bike… I think it took me about 5 seconds to get my helmet on an go roaring down XXXXXXX in hot pursuit. When I caught up i noticed it was some dude, an his trusty pare of jack stands in the passanger seat. Anyway, we did 2 pulls… prolly around 40mph (me hangin over the front of the bike to try to keep it level. In the end 100mph? maybe) I had him by a few cars. Then we stopped to talk for a few. Its a really fast car. I wish we coulda gone from a dig to see if I could run him down. but we made enough noise to wake the dead so Oh well, there is always next time.
So who else wants to run… I’ll go from a dig:gotme:
Good run guys! Cant say I was too shocked when I heard who won…Even tho Chuck probably has the fastest street car out on the board this year…that bike is just fuckin nasty! But you still cant wheelie for shit Will! haha jk
…30-120… so eat shit you ya parking lot bitch…
Y not bring out that sorry sack of chevy you call a nova:shrug:? ill even race ya from a dig… :LOL:
jk, you gotta see al the shit i got at mid ohio. it was a blast
…30-120… so eat shit you ya parking lot bitch…
Y not bring out that sorry sack of chevy you call a nova:shrug:? ill even race ya from a dig… :LOL:
jk, you gotta see al the shit i got at mid ohio. it was a blast
Put it in your Sig like Choda then after I read it for a year or so maybe I’ll consider it 
fyi…if you wanted to go from a dig we can settle this right now…my car ran 6’s at lancaster in 2004 with a smallblock you 7 sec whore:rx3:
When I caught up i noticed it was some dude, an his trusty pare of jack stands in the passanger seat.
Not THE jackstands?
Back on topic, nice kill…chuck does have a fast car
the usual…( like every other R1 :lol:) Slip on’s, removed exup valve, k&n airfilter, 1 down front sprocket, power commander. gutting the cat soon. i’m too cheap to buy full exhaust :shrug:
Put it in your Sig like Choda then after I read it for a year or so maybe I’ll consider it 
fyi…if you wanted to go from a dig we can settle this right now…my car ran 6’s at lancaster in 2004 with a smallblock you 7 sec whore:rx3:
i suck at the launch… ill race you at NYI… ill even pay to trailer it there :2fingers:
Edit… What was your MPH…
Stop bringing up mph u ricer
Stop bringing up mph u ricer
so what you get somewhere a 10th faster… im still gaining 
like the sig? hahaha
the usual…( like every other R1 :lol:) Slip on’s, removed exup valve, k&n airfilter, 1 down front sprocket, power commander. gutting the cat soon. i’m too cheap to buy full exhaust :shrug:
Dude, if you ever run up on a full exhaust for a good price, get it. I had a setup similar to you, exup removed, graves slip ons, y-pipe. When I put on the graves headers, it was late and I couldn’t get in a test ride that night. The next day I though someone from yamaha came in the garage at night while I was sleeping and replaced the motor with a different one. I don’t know what the heck could be wrong with that stock header (besides having the exup cut your fun at 7k), but once I replaced them i picked up like 20hp at 7k, and a solid 7-10hp thru-out, before tuning.
Nice kill too.
That’s what I have been reading on the R1 forums… Ironicly I had just cut off the Exup valve about 4 hours before i ran into chuck… it made huge dif.
I found a header for 5 hundred @ mid ohio… but i had already spent my loot. im still lookin tho.
and i don’t know if you’ve though about tuning but will from niagara powersports mapped my bike for pretty cheap, then i went back with the header for another remap and he did it for even less.
and i don’t know if you’ve though about tuning but will from niagara powersports mapped my bike for pretty cheap, then i went back with the header for another remap and he did it for even less.
I tried callin’ them a million times?!.. All i got was a machine. So I went to Ray Laks… an they re-mapped it, but i wasn’t too impressed. I wouldnt mind tryin’ them if they would RETURN PHONE CALLS
yeah you kind of have to catch him there. He’s not the most social guy, but he know his bikes. He mainly reworks gixxer motors, but he does good with all bikes. He got me about 10 more hp throught the high revs and even more down low.