
I would like to see this run.
that is all.

I would be willing to put money on the beckington
not to much tho because I am broke.
and I think it will be close

if this is a dig race the evo is RAPING that hatch…according to my internet calculations(LMAO for even saying that) from last night’s experience I would say the evo is a low-mid 12’s car ALL day long…not sure about the honda or how well beck can drive…but there is no way he can launch with the quickness of the evo, but it might have the power to catch back up…Im not too sure, hopefully we’ll see…

evo 9’s with turboback and mbc bust into the 11’s all the time… 20g is fckin crazy

with a good driver its a upper 12s hatch. if someone put the 16g back on it would be as fast as it should be. the 14b cartridge thats in there now wasnt supposed to be permanent (i sold it before having the other center put back in)

either way… i dont really care either way (neither car is mine), but wouldnt mind seeing the race.



All I’m going to say is this…

I am not going to internet race/magazine. I finally have a car, that can contend, I am not going to sit behind my computer and talk shit.

You want to race? Lets race. I’m pm’ing you my phone number. I get out of work @ 11. Which is perfect, cause I’ll already be on the thruway. :tspry:

I will not race from a dig. Call me a pussy, but that’s probably because I value my drivetrain more than you do.

P.S. - I pulled hard on a STI with Cobb Access Port Stage 2, and Turbo Back exhaust.

Didn’t Joe’s car put about a bus on you? :wink:

Pulled on Josh’s.

And there was less than a car between me and Joe, and then i started catching up.

I learned to shift into 2nd, not 3rd. :wink:

It was much more than that, but if Josh went stage 2 and you pulled him you must have learned to brakeboost pretty well :tup:

It’s really a no brainer racing someone from a roll in a stage 2 STi, the amount of torque is so instantaneous that a good rolling “launch” results from just putting it to the floor.

The only reason Joe got a jump, was because he was in his powerband. I shifted into 3rd, and wasn’t even into boost yet :bloated:

Joe should not have beaten me. Mike at Innovative didn’t believe Joe, when he told him.

I’ll be happy to re-line up.

:word: it didn’t look like you were on that race. I’m sure he’d be happy to go again in the fall.

My bet with zer0daze is still on. The evo will pull the 14b honda from a roll or dig.


Well now its a bet with me.

Let me know when you want to go.

From a Roll. I don’t care what speeds. Aslong as its 30+…cause 1st is useless for me.

My car? Or the Evo?

I bet donughts with zer0daze, so if you want to bet with eclipseblur, thats up to you.


John told you what donughts he likes right?


finally…beck in drama that is interesting :stuck_out_tongue: :tup: :tup: make this race happen soon!

Joe is back lol

He is right, Mike did not believe me. We should have done more then one pull. Also, I was not brake boosting and I had Zong in the car, that fat ass lol, jk. I am back home now which is 360 miles away from you guys.

I would be happy to re-line up with you when I get back in August. But by then I will have 400WHP or more.


oh, now he has to stick with the 14b… come on. it was only supposed to be on there until a replacement for the blown 16g was purchased.

and im only buying 1 doughnut if i lose the bet :slight_smile:

Who’s that guy with the S4 i am gonna call out? It’s a long distance call out.

its alright.

i know i’ll pull him with the 14b, so it doesn’t matter.

i’ll hold off buying the 16, for a week or two.
