camaro fog light help

i have a fog light that kept getting moisture in it so i fixed the problem but how do i get the moisture and dirt that is still in it out ?

Maybe pull the assembly and try cleaning/rinsing it with rubbing alcohol and drying it out with a hair dryer. Also you could try sealing it up with some clear RTV to keep water out.

GP headlight capsules often fail in the same manner.

edit - or you could just spring for new foglights

i have the same problem with mine…but i’m not going to fix it until later…when i hopefully sell the car.

plus i have this problem in the tail lights of my GP

Have you priced replacements at Pep Boys, Advance, etc.? They may not be too expensive. That moisture will corrode the contacts and the thing will become unusable at some point anyway, even if you clean it out.

For the rear light with water in it, pull it out and drill a small hole in the bottom-rear. Pick a place least likely to gain water at highway speeds in the rain from spray and this will likely be OK.