how do I get moisture out of headlights?

It just started as soon as I brought it out of the garage.

I was told that drillin a small hole at the bottom lets the water out but there’s gotta be a way to keep it out for good with out drilling

Any diy strategies out there let me know

what kind of car…drilling a hole is never the answer

Remove bulbs blow out with compresssor put vapor lock around bulbseal and reinstall.
Most of the time the water leaks in past the bulb seal.

DO NOT BLOW OUT!! real good change you will blow the lens right off the housing. Take them out and let sit in direct sunlight. the seal of the lens is usually the prob. If you are ambisous enough seperate lens carefully and reseal. im too lazy to give you all the steps, but im know there is a thread reguarding lens removal and reseal if you search

Buy aftermarket replacement off ebay. Trying to reseal is a huge pain in the ass. Not worth my patience.

Well they are after market lenses for my civic.

I just don’t want to do surgery on them

take off fill with isopropil then dry with a heat gun reseal and reinstall

:word:Ths has always worked for me

I have this same problem… ugh. I heard there is some compound stuff you can buy.

Just take the covers off the back of them for a couple of dry days and let them air out. Taking them all apart and resealing them might not work anways, there could be a hairline crack you can’t see or they could just have poor ventilation in the first place. After all these ARE ebay lights.

And what’s so wrong with drilling a small hole in the bottom? As long as you do it on the back side and use a really small bit like 1/16" or smaller, it’s not going to harm anything.

drilling a small hole will just make more moisture down the road …best thing is the isopropyl alcohol or sun light, then look into resealing it somehow


let the light sit out and the moisture clear, then reseal the edges with clear silicone. done it to multiple different housings with success on all but 1

haha i love how there are 10 different opinions, i like the one above me, better doing it right than half-assed

  1. Take bulb out.
  2. Fire some compressed air in the housing.
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

Oh really? And you know this because you’ve tried it? Obviously not because all headlights already have breathers in them to relieve pressure when the air heats up from the hot bulbs and to allow air back in when they cool off. Adding an extra hole down in the bottom promotes air FLOW and will allow the moisture to evaporate quickly much like a breeze dries sweaty skin quicker.

If you can’t speak from experience, STFU.

ha …ok . ill just say ok