Getting condensation out of a headlight

Anyone have any tricks on getting water/condensation out of a headlight without opening it (last resort)?

Basically…the cap that covers the part where the bulb goes got loose and let in moisture. It got loose because this particular car HID kit/harness I have from Morimoto has to have two wires run outside of the cap and I didn’t seat it properly (or Lia Infiniti f’ed with it because it was fine for 12 months prior to me bringing them the car for some other minor work - they were in the area of the engine belts which isn’t far from the headlights on either side - coulda bumped it or pulled my HID harness accidentally).

It’s been about a week now and I don’t know if it’s because we haven’t had any truly dry warm weather or what, but I can’t get them to dry up/de-fog.

Any tips?

Worst case is I’ll have to bake it open and dry it manually…at which point I’ll probably do both sides and upgrade the projector lens to a clear one for better HID beam cutoff and spread.

Wait for a warm day. Park the car in direct sunlight. Remove the rear rubber boot. Let the sun take its course.

A silica gel packet might help during the process too.

Compressed nitrogen works MINT.

Thanks KBB.

Danny…come again?

pull the whole headlight and blast the shit out of the inside with compressed air?

If I end up pulling the light(s) I’m just going to open them up and replace the lens of the projector at the same time.

Remove light and turn upside down " bulb inlet down " leave like that for a day or so. Once dry install bulbs and make sure there sealed . Don’t use compressed air as air has moisture in it from compressing .

FWIW 99% of the time there’s moisture inside a headlamp it’s because either the rear bulb cover seal is leaking, or the vents are clogged and the lamp cannot breath(cannot vent condensation)

Check/correct both or you’ll be right back I the same boat within days.

Pull lamps out and bake in an over @ 150F for an hour.

Nitrogen is very good at absorbing water. If you know someone who has access to some, it’s very easy to clear the moisture out with a regulator and a hose.

My Audi has leveling motors and the o-ring that seals the gears on it gets filled with sand, and then leaks. So if its a little more complicated, it might not just be the bulb door.

^ very true.

Thanks guys.

I’m pretty sure it was the bulb cap…because it was off slightly when I got to looking at it. I’ll open the lights up one of these saturdays when it’s nice and warm out and let it dry for a good 8hrs or so and then close it back up.

Fart into the headlight - the methane from your intestines will suck up the moisture.

Called it.

I opened the cap today at lunch and also took out one of the little ‘marker’ bulbs which is ‘open air’ inside the light and by 4:30 it was completely gone. Promptly closed everything up. Should be good to go.

I was surprised how fast it dried. I figured I’d have to do this across two days or so.

Edit: The housing does have water spots now…so I dunno how I feel about that. I’ll see what it looks like after an exterior wash (car is filty right now). If it bothers me or is noticeable, I will have to open it up and clean it.