Leaking Hatch

Since i got the car nearly a year ago there has been a leak in my hatch… The driver compartment doesnt get wet at all, its just water collects in the spare tire… From what i’ve seen when i go to the car wash, i see it comming down out of the tail lights… I’m really sick of this so i want to fix it… It happens when it rains too, so i’m thinking maybe water comes down the drain area and through the tail lights?

Does anyone have a similar problem or know how to fix this?

I have the exact problem man take a heat gun and heat up the seals around your tail lights. After like 10 years they dryout and crack. I did it and there fine well my left one now my right one is leaking. Im just gunna pull them both out and re-caulk them.


I have a heatgun if you want to use it, just let me know where and when you want to meet up.

I have this same isssue. Suprised so much water can enter from the rear… I assumed it’s be the latch itself…

Did you heat the seals from the exterior? did it not mealt the plastic?

I’ll try caulking too… se what happens.

well when you heat the lights, you need to heat the metal on the inside transfering the heat to the cocking and makeing the seal better around the lights.

also a good trick is to use a piece of paper between the hatch and the seal to see if theirs a gap. You close the hatch on the paper and try sliding it in and out. if it really easy to move the paper, you might need to adjust your latch height.

its from the tail light sealant the samething happens to my hatch since i installed my kouki lights

Go to CarQuest and buy a roll of Butyl tape… That’s what the black sticky thing is… Just clean it up, put on the new roll of butyl rubber around the tail lights to seal them from water.

wow… back from the dead. from 5 years ago!

Cool! thanks for the additional input.