camera questions????

fuck me

D90 3200 ISO RAW image:

Oh what ? :lol:

man, i have a d40 and have NO idea how to change any settings on the cam…

Ian, next time we work together you are going to have to give me a crash course

Dude I can do it in 5 min, its so easy.


You can shoot high iso on entry level cameras, but not generally when the light is real low, ie concert, etc. Indoors with “decent” light high iso’s aren’t too bad.

Here’s ISO 1600 f/2.8 shot with my XTi w/Sigma EX 18-50mm. Not very noisy (no noise reduction applied), not great depth of field, but that’s f/2.8 for you.

I’d suggest running aperture priority and set your f stop as low as it will go, on a crappy kit lens it’s probably f3.5-5.6. Take some at ISO 400-1600, DEFINITELY shoot in RAW and then run it through a noise reduction program to try and clean it up.

If you plan on doing this regularly, shooting in very low light, get yourself at least a good f/2.8 lens preferably with some sort of image stabilization.

Def have to agree on a lower aperture lens, but as far as the ISO stuff goes the sensor in that camera really does blow, I really dont like it at all, and i generally suggest the D40 to people over the 40x and the 60, the extra resolution isn’t worth the noise IMO.

Didn’t realize its sensor was that bad. I’m a Canon guy, don’t know Nikons too well. A 50D is next on my list :slight_smile:

yea, its really the only problem i have with my 40X… other than that it is perfect for my needs.