camera questions????

im taking pics of a friends band tonight and have acouple questions for the gurus…
ill be shooting with a d60 and factory 18-55m lens.
im guessing while the band is playing there will be all sorts of generic lasers/lights/spinners do dads with or without the scooter stick and shit and am wondering what setting will yeild the best shots…
im predicting this already.
mode dial:
either macro,no flash or shutter setting
iso:most likely pretty high (800^)
but then i have to worry about shaking the shit out of it.
i obviously cant use a tripod because of little kids jumping and kicking all over the place so i know the VR will be on all night.
any suggestions

Might want to try the old string tripod…

I’d go shutter priority and dial up the shutter speed as fast as I could without the picture being under exposed. If it’s really dark go as high as the ISO will allow because noise is better than blur.

UGH sounds like a nightmare. Id really like to say stay away from the hight ISO stuff the D40X and D60 REALLY suck at high ISO stuff. Im assuming there will be a light on the band of some sort ? if so try and get close, crank the exposure comp, and put in in shutter priority, and just adjust until you get it right. theoretically you could use the pop up flash, but its going to be ultra worthless in thats situation. GL

i would have to agree. and if its possible get there for sound check and see what your going to be dealing with then so your ready for it when the show starts.

Come to think of it, if there is a spot light of some sort that will focus on certain members of the bad at certain times, you might be able to work with auto FP and shoot above 1/250th therefor highlighting the subject and blacking out the backdrop. IDK it might be a way to go, and there wouldn’t be any shake for sure.

im going to be there a little early and be able to mess around…that string tripod isnt a bad idea either…
so mode dial on s and play with exposure? sounds like a plan i guess

Yep, thats that way to go, make sure your + 5.0 on your exposure comp. and MABYE try up to 800 ISO and no higher, I cant be sure though, I’ve never shot a D60.

word, i refuse to shoot anything above 200 with mine… looks like ass.

if it were me i would do like… 400 ISO, shoot in manual, get the lowest f/stop you can (going to suck with that lens though), and set shutter speed to whatever is the slowest you can keep steady. exposure comp down like -1 or lower (make sure to shoot in RAW so you can do better post processing exposure adjustment).

if you can find someone to let you borrow at least the 55-200mm so you can shoot at 55 which a lower f/stop it would help you a lot.

edit: out of curiosity why can’t you use the flash? you can do enough post processing to make it look ok even with the shitty built in flash.

im also thinking of posting a couple pics of already taken pictures from the same club on photobucket,this would show all setting used and kinda gimme exactaly what i need…
eehh fuck it, its a half hour show ill figure it out

Go ahead im game. But def listen to chino he has the D40X (same sensor) its the fucking worst in high ISO situations. So yeah either shutter or aperture priority, I think shutter priority will do you fine though, in that light it will know to keep the aperture low. If it where me though Id shoot full manual. If your feeling ambitious and want to go full M, make sure you aperture is as low as it goes at all time 3-4.5 on that lens maybe ? IDK either way Keep it at the lowest point and adj the shutter accordingly. UGH that lens blows though, a 50 1.8 or 70-200 2.8 would be bad ass in there.

hey thanks for the input…how much would a 17-200 run?

Oops im a retard, its a 70-200 2.8 and those are 1500… LOL. 50 1.8 on the other hand is a 135 dollar lens, and its really an incredible little thing, downside though is it wont AF on the D40 or the D60.

thanks guys

NP. In the future you should sign up on: camera questions get answered quicker. :wink:

wasnt this created by a board member?
signing up right now

Yes ILC and paulo.

problem with shutter priority, which i do not understand is when you’re in low light it for some reason doesn’t always seem to open the aperture all the way up. thats why i’d say manual, or ap priority… manual being the better of the two because if the camera meters some light and adjusts shutter too quick it will just be black.

i’d sit and mess with it in manual until you get what you want… the pictures are going to be dark but thats what post processing is for. definitely do not shoot about 800 ISO, even 400 is going to look grainy IMO.

I see, I’ve never really experienced that, I shoot manual for the most part.

i figured iso would have to be high in order to bring in enough light…well ill try that then

Well in most cases in would be OK, but not on the D60/40x HaHa