Camera guys...need some help

Going to a concert tom night outside, i was wondering what settings should be used to take pics of this sort. Last time i tried to take pics at an outdoor night show the chrome and lights fucked them all up. I have 4th row so distance will not be the issue.

Canon S3IS



Hmm, on that camera, try Aperture priority, and take the f-stop as low as possible. Then keep bumping up the ISO 1 step at a time doing test shots to see how grainy it gets. How far are you from the Stage?

4 rows, not sure of feet, but its close.

lowest Fstop goes is 2.7

no tripod either, not sure if that makes a difference.

It does.

4 Rows out MIGHT let you use the flash on someone if they are at the edge of the stage. But i’m pretty sure the flash range on that is 8 or 9 feet. So that’s skeptical at best.

You could try finding an added flash to work on it, and that would allow for MUCH better shots.

Other than that, it’s going to be a battle of keeping steady and having your subject constantly moving in low light. w/o the flash, you might be SOL. that is unless you take the ISO real high, but then it’ll get grainy as shit.

Just experiment tonight when it’s dark and see how grainy they get.

fuck, ohh well it was worth a shot, ill give it a try to see how it comes out. Thanks


lol no i dont.

1/60th shutter, fstop low as possible ISO 400. should come out… The lights are gonna fuck it up either way. Try getting better angles so the light isn’t blinding you/camera

ok thanks


I disagree

hahahah, first i suck, now im the best…i see

your starting to sound alot like aaron

well, it’s gotten him this far.

oh, wait…

fixed :slight_smile: