Can am Spyder, thinking about gettting one.

I saw a young guy driving one of these down Sheridan the other day, and I couldn’t help but laugh at how absolutely gay he looked.

I saw one at America’s Fair, and thought it was “cool looking” but after actually seeing it moving with a person on it, I only thought “what a waste of money”

But, if that’s really really what you want…

I’ll be sure to laugh at you too.

This thing looks like an upkeep nightmare. Any more info on it?

Also, don’t get the spyder

Can am are for pussys. Don’t do it…

BIG :tup for Beemer dualsport though.

This gives me an idea. I think I am going to cruise out to pioneer motorsports and give one a ride. I think they look goofy… and it seems like riding one would be awkward even though i own a brand new snowmobile. The thing looks like it will flip over if u take a turn at a normal speed??

go with a car if you want fun in the cold like william stated.

btw, when did everyone come into dibella’s and why wasn’t i working??

cuz it was a different dibellas. fool.

ouch. :frowning:

spyder = t-rex = gay

I’m actualyl kind of curious as to why Hutch doesn’t just pick up your trex… you’ve stated that you’re unloading it at the end of the season, amirite?

$500/month insurance doesn’t make it very appealing to most people. Besides, he already stated it that doesn’t fill that void in his heart.

I guess he’s just not a true elitest yet. :gotme:

  1. OK, cool.
  2. OK, cool.
    3 & 4. You better mean an R1200GS or you’re gay. Although I’m already wondering. Don’t you remember when you were a kid and a 2 wheeler was so much cooler than a tricycle? Nothing’s changed…
  3. Have you ridden BMW’s? Telelever/Paralever, Boxer (R>K), driveshaft… They’re different.
  4. Really? SRSLY? If she won’t ride a bike will she/should she ride a trike?

Good luck with whatever you decide. My vote is a BMW GS, not one of these screwy things.

we are picking up aprilia soon if you want different

I can understand the woman thing, Id feel far more comfy with my g/f on a spyder than a goldwing trike. OR ANY 2 wheeled bike, and to be honest, It would most like cure almost any females desire to be on a “motorcycle”

I personally wouldnt even question it, for reasons stated above though.

friggen pioneer was closed today… I should have known that

yeah buddy, closed on wednesdays. you actually wanted to to ride today anyway?

ot: do not get one. they are ghey.

It takes some getting used to. Honestly I think it for fat people. But We have a demo at bucks I beat on all the time

eh… i got a snowmobile jacket. lol. And since i need a blower motor does not work in my car i drive with it on anyways. haha. With my luck you would have seen me and i would have got made fun of bad.

i looked up the Yamaha’s Tesseract cuz i always wanted to be able to drive my quad on the street, but i found this

i would buy one

i found a sweet video on the new yahama thing