and its 1100+ if ya wanna get technical…bitch ;D
ok that is huge, and not his car :wtf :lol
HAHAHA, good catch!
who takes computer classes and is actually good with computers? lol i dont know anyone… they are all n00bs tryin to hard if you ask me (i probably just talked MAD shit about a bunch of people here haha sorry) the best way to learn is learn your self and use google when your stuck
@stockcarboy that sig OWNS
no love for my sig. boo
its not even my car :lol if it was I would have definitly considdered it. I’m gonna get some good pics tonight so we’ll see what I end up using.
I took my school’s graphics class for the easy grade. ;D
…then taught my teacher the ctrl+c/v/x :wtf
my school didnt have cool classes, we didnt even have shop or auto classes :sad
yes it is. i took a pic while you werent looking…at least mines a 4 door SI lol
when did you take a pic? no wai!1 srsly when did you take that?
its from this pic here.
:lol I didnt read that little edit til after I posted :idiots oh well good pics will come soon.
yea should meet up again this time if anyone else comes they get there on time and thats it, otherwise fuck em we’ll just leave…
get some good pics at some good angles cuz I need some good ones my self, then i’ll try to make a baddass sig for you and my self one too get a nice day/evening with a good sunset for nice lighting effect should be fun, then we can darken and play with the photos for a night time feel
its the same car right ?
… O.0 wtfffff wow school teachers ftw
his is a 4 door.
id like a sig pic to …im to lazy bizy and have no clue how to make 1 …
That’s sick, who cares if it’s not your car :wtf