can someone help me out?

This is unbelievable…bunch of fucking punks. This is why Son240 is loosing so many veterans.

oh geez…
i just lost brain cells reading this shit

mods…seriously…close this thread already

hahahaha that was awesome. Made me laugh.


You have quite possibly the stupidest haircut in the world, a faux hawk, and you’re telling other people THEY’RE gay? Get a grip dude, the world doesn’t work like fucking highschool. Get a normal human haircut, and grow the fuck up.

Oooh you can fight, oooh he punched you in the shoulder… If either one of you sallies had a fucking brain this wouldn’t be an issue. Now go wash the sand out of your collective vaginas and stop being assclowns.

LOLLLLLL shuld play destruction derby

djpryo dude. im sorry im not gay. and if you really dont liek my hair cut dont look at it.
what kind of homo shit is this?

Mike, that hair cut is pretty bad though, I have to agree with Pyro. You make us Asians look bad by cutting your hair like that.

Jokes aside, you guys should all shut up before I bottle someone. I don’t fuck around.

I wanna fight you.

i wanna fight all of you shut up close this thread. fuck it, bings meet cage match. someone set up a day care section for all these babies.

hahahah awesome thread guys… lovin it

yea i have not been online here in a few days but damn this was quality to come back to.

stfu Chris. Fight?

You guys are all pussies. Let’s have a real fight set up at bing’s meet. Everyone can start placing your bets.

I have a feeling the first match will be this…

Son240 vs Mark :moon:

hence what i said

haha, Thomas couldn’t be more correct about that. :slight_smile:

Why don’t you boys let your cars do the talking?

…no, the winner doesn’t get me.

And Mark, I’ll fight you, then use you to beat Tom up.

if this thread could speak it would say lock me