can someone help me out?

Lol mark hots lots of bottles to spare

if you guys are actually serious of duking it out…

i can certainly book a ring for you guys, get some gloves on, mouth guards…
and just go

so effing stupid to do it on the streets…TAKE IT TO THE RING!

post it up as a SON240sx bumfight on youtube…

if you have footage

I’ll see you in the desert next month. Be ready to have your ass handed to you.

You guys a lower than me, didnt think it got worst than me:P. +1 for me:D

LOL this thread is JOKES!!

Why is everyone sooo HARD these days?

Randy’s Self Esteen ftmfl?

We need a fight section. Open up an underground fight club for peopel to vent their s13 and s14 problems on each other.

im sorry but am i missing something here… if i read this all correctly you guys got beef over some shit that happaned a year and a half ago???
but anyways this is still some funny shit.

You’re gunna need more than that crotch rocket.

Seriously though, what the fuck! Big ass “im gunna beat you up thread” and No video footage? I vote Ban.

Talk about e thugs,eh fobwall (jk), did I see your car at my school. Parked at the gym…

Just throwin an Idea out there don’t you guys get banned for making threats over the internet?

I think when i actually read the rules it said that.

BTW you guys really should take it to the Ring , fuck nobody can really get hurt there , i dont see any harm about it, the worst that can happen is that sombody is gunna Forfeit or Ko or we’ll have some Hot Milfs as the judges and after 3 rounds the winner gets a Freezie!! and the non-winner will get a small one lol ( there are no losers on son) =)
HALAL the BEEF guys

Sheridan college in Oakville? If so, that’s my car, what do you drive? Do you know if we have to get a parking pass for the summer?

4 years ago apparently.

We also ban for registering under a different username after you’re already banned for fraud. But really, neither of those rules are enforced.

yea i can tell


That is all.

Yea, that’s the one, I’m driving my 240 right now, it’s a flat black s13 with a shity sanding job,(soon to be gloss) I usually park on the other side of the athletic building, where you park is too much walking. As for the pass, I’m pretty sure you need one after the first week, but if you park at the athletic center they usually don’t ticket you. Your “buddy” Nightscream did that for all of last semester and never got one.

^^ hey fobwall dont get the parking pass… you seriously dont need it, just park on the other side of the athletic center like me and IRo and you should be good all summer… cause its a free parking cause its a public building for the community!!

Where’s Greg these days?
It’s no wonder I just lurk here nowadays. I think the real lesson to be learned here for all parties involved is E-Thugging = Fail.