can you recommend an alignment shop?

my steering is about 30 degree out of whack…

i tried Cali Auto but their alignment machine is out of order-

can anyone here recommend a trustworthy, experienced alignment shop for a 98 nissan altima?

thanks in advance!


Kal Tire on 99st or A1 Tire on 99st

how do you know if your car is actually getting the alignment?
i got one after my lowering springs went on.

its hard to tell because the car drove fine to begin with.

and do you guys recommend those small little shops? like what you would see in a strip mall or a gas station?

just curious.

A1 is awesome. I have done many with them. I have also watched them. They can do balancing with weights. It’s the coolest thing.

isnt that how ur supposed to balance? and move the tire around the rims?

Ummm… don’t you ever look at your specs? You should get a printout from your alignment shop. They will usually give you a good idea of before vs. after.

thanks for the replies!

i’ll give A1 a shot.
