can you swim like this?

damn… :eek:

He looks like a sperm. :tup:



Looks like he hits his head hard at the finish. That must suck to know you’re ending every race with a concussion.

ROFL, that’s exactly what I was thinking “Damn he hit his head hard”

but he won! thats the cool part!

lol, yea half way through I was like how is he gonna stop. I woulda had the wall set up with padding or something lol

Anyways :tup: to that guy for not standing around and feeling sorry for himself.

is he racing other crips? i mean, the people you can’t see might have been parapalegic and they just dumptrucked them into the water and they sank to the bottom. may not be that impresive? I mean, i am not real strong but i bet i could take some tards in an arm wrestling match. Just trying to get a frame of reference here.

it’s like water world all over again

ROFL quote of the day.

actually, he is doing a butterfly kick. all swimmers do a butterfly kick when they first dive in beacuse its the fastest kick. the rules state that once u start your stroke u must change kicks tho. This is where the cripple comes in. he never has to change kicks because he never starts his stroke. and he moves through the water well becuase he has very little drag. and yes, any swimmer that can do butterfly stroke can swim like that.

shit… that’s pretty cool for him.