Can we have one? Because I can already tell that this summer is going to be FULL OF SQUIDS.
For instance, today. I was on Rt. 5, in Derby, heading towards Hamburg. I was in the right lane, and there was a large pick-up truck ahead of me in the left. As I got closer to him, I noticed three bikes ahead of us. Two in the left, and one in the right lane.
I could tell the guy in the truck was frustrated, as he just wanted to get passed these guys. I, too, started being frustrated when I realized that neither of us could get away from these guys. One of them must have noticed my frustration, because they finally all got into the right lane… (I throw my hands up, with a big WTF expression, because I’m an asshole.)
So, in retaliation, I’m guessing, one dude decides that he’s going to swing his right leg over the bike and sit on his bike sideways. Then proceeds to put both of his feet near the ground, might have even touched, all while going 55-60 miles down the road. I immediately slowed down, because I was for sure expecting an accident. The dude’s bike wobbled, he swung his leg back over, and they turned right.
If that dude would have wiped out, he would have taken out his friend who was behind him, and I would have hit them all. YAY.
The best. I can’t wait til I see some douche with shorts and sandles wipe out and then complain about their road rash. I’m not a fan of dude’s who ride with sneakers either. Sorry.
Thats to be expected when most bikes are pretty fast and not nearly as expensive as a nice car. Any asshat can buy one thinking that hes the shit. I expect ALOT more deaths on them this year judging by what i have seen as well.
I’m pretty sure these were my friends…and that is called skitching.
and it’s FUN AS FUCK!
I love doing that and getting looks from other people…haha SO funny