Squid Picture Reference Thread.

Squid - A young motorcyclist who overestimates his abilities, boasts of his riding skills when in reality he has none. Squid bikes are usually decorated with chrome and various anodized bits. Rear tyres are too wide for their own good, swingarm extended. Really slow in the corners, and sudden bursts of acceleration when a straight appears. Squids wear no protection, deeming themselves invincible. This fact compounds intself with the fact that they engage in ‘extreem riding’–performing wheelies and stoppies in public areas. Squids wreck alot. Derived from ‘squirly kid’

Though the term is now widely used to describe street riders of questionable cornering skill, questionable judgement in demonstrations of horsepower and braking, questionable judgement in the protective clothing worn, and very questionable judgement in his/her friends, the meaning was actually developed at the racetrack.




haha that last pic is awsome :lol


Squid :rofl :rofl


thats an octopus, you dork

I searched squid and that came up :lol


whats so squidly about the second pic… the one with the flat black bike?

maybe the shorts and t-shirt

That is the nicest thing I’ve ever seen you say :wow

Not going soft on us are ya? :lol


Yep, yet he’s wearing A star socks :nono :idiots

flat black is gansta… i want to flat black my dirt bike w/ some gold rims hahah. I’m assuming alpine-star must be dirt bike specific? that i didn’t know.

I know he is a youngn’ and I don’t want to make him cry… yet

not at all, they make motorsports clothing for every kind of motorsport

god damn benny you always make me feel stupid. why dont you do some work or something and leave the noobs alone. so then why are the socks squid-ish?

anyways, dudes shit is flat black… he can do whatever the hell he wants.

cuz if that front wheel ever came down a little crooked he’d be all over the ground bumping into himself

which would be the case in any wheelie scenario…

Alpinestars is not just motocross specific. It’s one of the top brands in street bike apparell too. It’s far better then Joe Rocket or Icon. I rock the high alpinestars stocks too. I guess that must make me a squid too then ::slight_smile:

so is the guy on the flat black bike a squid cause he is built like a ten year old?

however if he were wearing full leathers/boots/gloves he’d skid across the road and bounce up with a sprained ankle instead of having the gravel scrubbed out of his raw flesh for an hour or two and then endure not being able to move without a reminder of his stupidity.

thats why he’s a squid

Leathers slow you down :rofl