Sigh. Squids, another reminder...

I know it’s hot today but I only saw one other person wearing a jacket. And I saw a lot of bikes out!! For those of you who insist on wearing basketball shorts, you are lost. But for those wearing jeans but no jacket, here are some cheap jackets with enough ventilation to make it wearable. Just off the top of my head. Do a quick search for hot weather jackets at and the selection is plentiful. I recommend these two.



Good post. Those are great deals on those jackets and mesh doesn’t get hot at all.

Fieldsheer is junk. Cortech on the other hand makes some great entry level jackets. I would suggest to anyone in the market.

mesh doesnt protect for shit. Ever see someone crash with a mesh jacket on? Bad news. If you can handle a 1xx hp bike, you can handle getting hot sitting still for a couple of minutes. Buy a leather jacket.

I agree leather is better and that’s why I always wear it, but for the people who refuse to be hot mesh with ce armor is better than nothing

Yep…perforated leather ftw too. It’s all the protection and good ventilation.

I’d rather be sweaty than bloody.

That said, I do have a cortech for commuting. It is leather in all the wear spots (outside of arms, back, shoulders) and mesh on the inside. It is a good combo.

I would never wear all mesh though.

A few of my friends make fun of me for wearing my leather jacket and jeans on days like today yesterday ect.
It’s the same thing as people who don’t wear their seatbelts when they are just going around town.
I don’t ever go out and PLAN to crash, or do I ever go out and NOT expect to crash.

meh, i was out friday afternoon/early evening i was the only person on a bike wearing a leather jacket, and it was freaking hot. I could see every other riding looking at me like ‘dude ur nuts’. I was fine as long as i kept moving.

If somebody’s wearing jeans and a t-shirt i can’t say i blame them in this humid weather, its their skin. Shorts is alittle crazy over the top but again its their skin, oh well…

Some Asshat FLEW buy me on 20 doing about a…

Barefoot with Cargo Shorts and a Beater… :shrug:

I know I would not want to dump it even going 20 in that getup.

+1 for the Jacket :tup:

The only time i dont wear it is for my 2mi side street jaunt into school in the morning. But then, I don’t go over 20mph.

I believe statistically that is most likely place to have an accident :lol:

Saw on the way to work this morning some asshat on an R1, cargo shorts and T-shirt. I’m surprised he even bothered with the helmet. Its not even 80 outside yet here.

I don’t ride, but man people are dumb.

haha yup. What’s the percentage again? like 75% of all accidents happen withing a 5 mile radius of home?

Obviously this is because that’s where most people do the majority of their driving, but also because no one is as cautious on familiar roads as they are on unfamiliar roads due to the need to stay alert to see where they are going.

I ALWAYS wear a jacket.

I didn’t wear my jacket today and I totally suck. I need a mesh one. I have worn my jacket every single day I rode my bike this year except today. I felt extremely weird, almost naked. As soon as I left my house I felt as if i should go back and get my jacket, but didn’t. I don’t think i’ll be riding with out it any more. I would like to pick up a mesh one though. Good links guys!

I passed some woman riding in REALLLLL short cut off Jeans and a Bikini top, and sandles…

I guess its her skin… or soon to be lack of

Could you imagine about 6 inches of her tits shaved off from road rash lol.

Shut the fuck up, its hot.

Stop being a pussy. Real men have scars and missing limbs.

i hope you’re joking.

In the words of Willybean, Sweat wipes off, road rash doesn’t.

I will be picking up a jacket at the same time I purchase a new helmet, when I finally pick out a bike.

gotta admit, mesh held up pretty good during my accident. 35mph, wearing jeans, boots, full finger gloves and a 2008 alpinestar jacket. Given, it was only 35mph, but i think given how hard i hit, the amount of tumbles and rolls, and sliding, it definitely wasn’t a bad choice for a jacket, esp for 200 imo.