Saved 2 people yesterday and I almost drowned.

Yesterday I went to the beach to relax a bit. as I was in the water the waves were bigger than average, but it didn’t stop anyone from going into the water. Next think I know, there is a very STRONG current that started to pull me away from the shore and I barely feel the sand with my feet. Now, I know how to swim, but I am not the best out there.

That same second a wave was coming towards me. I knew that I could not jump up over the wave because at this point I cant feel the ground anymore, so I ride it out by diving into it. As soon a I submerge, I hear a lady almost whispering to me. “Please pull me. Please pull me” She was a bit further out in the water than I was, she was a bit of trouble. She reached her hand out and I grabbed her hand and Slingshot her towards the shore as the next wave was coming in. That wave floated her right to the shore line where she got to her feet and water was to her waist line.

I was still in a bit trouble. the current was pulling me more away and now I am just as far as the lady was. I see another wave coming and I give everything I have in my strength to swim towards the shore and hoping the wave will bring me there. I try my best but the current is still to strong. Now I am getting exhausted and hoping the lifeguard will notice me before its too late.

Thats when Someone Grabs my Right Shoulder and my Arm. He pulls me down with him. It was some Asian dude who also got pulled by the current and he was taking me down with him. Out of desperation for AIR because he pulled me down with out me breathing in enough air I went into the Fight or Flight mode I kicked him off of me and resurfaced. Then by some miracle I caught my balance and actually stood up with the water level around my mouth and I start to swim again towards the shoreline. The Asian dude somehow grabs me again. He was probably around 5’5 and I am 5’11 I can feel the ground, but he cant, so he is still in trouble. he grabs my right arm again and screams “Help me” at the same time I use my left arm to signal to the lifeguard still hoping they would spot the trouble in the water.

As the lady earlier, I sling shot him towards the shore as the wave comes crashing down and sweeps both of us to the shore. I literally Crawled out from sheer exhaustion. Also figure someone would help me to my feet, but there was too much commotion because that current that pulled me, the lady and the Asian dude was so strong that there were a lot of people that were in trouble. Almost all of the lifeguards were in the water assisting everyone that needed help.

once on the beach I collapsed into the beach chair and just relaxed. ended up burning my legs from the sun. On the bright side, seen lots of cleavage when the waves knock the tops off. :lol: Its probably the only time you can see some Jail-Bait cleavage with out getting into trouble. :smiley:

Attaboy, a real hero!!!

what beach was this at?

Can I make a guess and say Rockaway?

Jones beach

riptide. good job saving the people, and glad to see you’re okay. just a heads up if it happens again, swim parallel to the shore and not towards it, otherwise you’ll never get there.

In all honest Truth, I did think about swimming parallel, but 2 things prevented me from doing that.

First was the the Asian dude that was holding on to me and pulling me down. And second was the fact is that I was almost touching the ground with my feet, I was inches away from catching my balance.

good job dude, the trick is to save the jailbait, you get free rescue gropes in there.

+1 One of the first things they teach you in school in California. That and duck and cover for earthquakes. :tup:

wow, this only brings back my fear of drowning.

Good job saving the people.


Ugh. I was in the outerbanks with some friends, and it was a one of those serious rip tide days. So we’re swimming, body boarding, frolicking in the water, when we hear a scream, some girl about 10 got ripped out into the ocean. So naturally without thinking start swimming balls out after her. By the time I reached her, I must have been about 300 yards from the shore, now this girl being exhausted from making her own attempts to get back was pretty much limp when I grabbed her.

So I drag her back in to the shore, must have been 15 minutes of fighting the current and trying to get this girl to not drown me as she was freaking out trying to crawl up on me as high as she could.

So We’re at the shore she thanks me, and her parents… NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. Which is a good thing, I would have caught my breath and fucking punched both of them. Who lets their daughter just go swimming without watching her when there are big signs saying Strong tide today.

Fucking bullshit parents. I’m pretty sure if I would have hesitated she would have been lost at sea.
