187 Foot Waterfall Drop - Kayak


Edit - Since there’s no embedding on NYSpeed…

I see some crazy stuff here on the black river and up on the moose but hollyyyy shiiitttttt

That’s awesome :tup:

I would really like to do that

oh wow, thats a big drop

Do it in a canoe and I will be impressed.

Is there any skill involved in his survival, or is it just plain hold your breath and pray?

that was crazy

Good God! Balls of steel and tons of skill. I am impressed!

Thats what I’m thinking, I think it takes skill to right yourself up and get yourself out from underneath the water fall.

Obviously fake. The guy that went over is dead, the other guy was just waiting behind the falls. lol.

righting yourself from being capsized isn’t that hard. A novice could learn that within a few tries. I think the water flow would automatically push you away from the falls.

Amazing video… but is it wrong that I expected that guys voice to be exactly like that braahh.

vid doesn’t work for me. :frowning:

Scary awesome.

Are these the same guys who didn’t pay their porters when they decided to kayak the Tsangpo?

neone else notice his paddle broke lol. It was a lot longer and double sided before he went over. Unless he was like hiding the tiny one somewhere? i dont know nething about kayaking.

10 seconds into the vid i thought to myself… man… i don’t want to watch someone die right now… :confused:

works with a full paddle but that guys was cut in half… I gotta think it happened on the way down or the impact. Trying to right yourself with a half a paddle is REALLY hard, esp with the currents under the falls. I think that was a shit ton of luck

thats siq steve. thanks for posting