Canada Is No Longer Safe

ok, so he voluntarily joined the army, claims to have changed his mind about the legality and legitimacy of what we are doing in iraq. he flees to canada for safe haven and is worried about being treated harshly by a military court marshal.

what really happened- an army recruit found this sucker wandering around a strip mall one afternoon and told him how the army will give him money, pay for college, and send him around the world on stress free assignments. so, shitforbrains signs up, goes to boot camp, and gets orders to be shipped to iraq. he suddenly realizes that HE SIGNED UP FOR THE ARMY!

now he wants out and runs up to canada with his tail tucked between his legs. he asks the canadian government for their assistance while playing the “i will not stand for this injustice” card. they say “tough shit, retard, you signed up for this.”

what a fucking idiot. well, i’m going to play softball since this guy is apparently already up on the cross.