Canada Is No Longer Safe

AMEN. You train to go to war. Not learn how to sit around and do nothing. You can drop out then. The fact this guy they deported went through everything and reaped the rewards is bullshit.

Hell, I would love to enlist, go to basic training and work my ass off for the $40,000 bonus you get but the thing holding me back is that, uh, i might have to go to war. The kid enlisted in 2003, same time I was considering enlisting and the part that held me back was that I did not want to go to war. They dont lie to you and say “Oh join the army and hang out on the beach all day.” Even the commercials show fighting.

PS: n20junkie - Glad you are still truckin along. Hope you get to stay home for a while and this war ends before you have to go back.