Canada Is No Longer Safe

that fact is just plain ignorance, but im referring to other parts of the military. things that have been covered up. if any of you guys watched generation kill, it shows a little bit of it in the marines. things like not being able to fire until your fired upon, they actually teach that shit in basic now. you wonder why so many people are dieing, they dont even have the chance to defend themselves.

agree 100%

I’ve been in 10 years, served a year in korea, 3 tours to Afghanistan, flown 1,200 combat hours, and have been back for a wopping whole 4 weeks since my last trip.

Now that we have my resume on the table, Have you served?

The part about not returning fire until you recieve it, well thats just normal SOP. What is BS is the fact that when we do use deadly force, I have CNN, MSNBC and the other tree humpers telling me what a bad person I am. War is war, its not pretty, but I’ve lived if for over 3 years, and will gladly go back if my country asks.

Day one of basic training they hand you boots and a gun, thats a fuckin clue in that you might have to do some bad things in this line of work.

AMEN. You train to go to war. Not learn how to sit around and do nothing. You can drop out then. The fact this guy they deported went through everything and reaped the rewards is bullshit.

Hell, I would love to enlist, go to basic training and work my ass off for the $40,000 bonus you get but the thing holding me back is that, uh, i might have to go to war. The kid enlisted in 2003, same time I was considering enlisting and the part that held me back was that I did not want to go to war. They dont lie to you and say “Oh join the army and hang out on the beach all day.” Even the commercials show fighting.

PS: n20junkie - Glad you are still truckin along. Hope you get to stay home for a while and this war ends before you have to go back.

seriously, you sound like such a bitch right now. how can you sit here and talk so much shit, when you have never been through any of it? like i said its easy for you to sit behind your computer and talk shit, but in the end, its making you look like the hypocrite.

You sign knowing that when shit hits the fan you will be apart of it.

If shit hits the fan I’ll gladly do my part. Thx. I’m glad canada is sending the deserters back for prosecution.

Dude you sound like a bitch right now, thank god the other 99.99999999999 percent of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and even Coast Guard (sorry orange suits, had to) go, do the tour, and come home to move on with life.

You need to stop watching movies like stop loss, and stop listening to people that think that the US Military is like some job on wall street. You say that its ok to run off to Canada now, but when some natural diaster hits, and half the National Guard decides that this is a “human disaster” they don’t want to be a part of, are you ok with them staying at home drinking beer while your on a roof top. What about pulling dead bodies out of the Pentagon, can they not show up then. What about the guys working the missile silos that house our national nuclear arsenal? Can they decide NOT to launch cause its an “unjust war”. We have our fingers on triggers that can kill a few, fly planes that can kill hundreds, and buttons that can kill thousands. This is not a JOB, its MILITARY SERVICE. Be happy that we don’t use the clause in the UCMJ that says for failure to make movement, during a time of war, we can put you on a line, and shoot you by firing squad.

I thank God every day for the men I serve with, Remember those that we have lost, and know that indeed, it takes a decent size set to do this job.

trust me, i dont watch too much television, i was in the army for a little over a year before my discharge. i went to basic at Fort Sill, OK and AIT at Fort Lee, VA.

i never once agreed with what this guy did, never said it was right. the fact is that if someone can sit there and talk down onto someone who had the balls to go and even join during wartime, your opinion doesnt matter one bit. i thanked the men i served with every single day for standing there next to me knowing that the next day they might not.

the fact is that one person who wakes up every morning, reads the newspaper while drinking their cup of coffee, gets in their $80,000 car and drives to work isnt appreciative of what it takes to make that happen. so how can they sit there and point the finger at someone and say “You need to go to war, your a cop out!” who are they to tell anyone that?

By your rationale, you can only criticize someone if you’ve been in their shoes. I don’t suppose you’ve ever criticized anyone, for any reason?

The fact of the matter is, anyone enlisted knows, or more properly, SHOULD know, that your duties are not subject to negotiation. When you awoke each morning in boot camp, did you bargain with your instructors? “No, Sarge, I’m sleeping in today. Nowhere in my contract did it say I had to wake up at 4:30am and hump my ass up that hill.” I’m guessing not.

I’ve never served. I almost enlisted in the USMC 13 years ago - and I had enough foresight to realize that I was about to make a huge mistake. (My best friend still enlisted, even though I didn’t go with him.) I’ve grown up with enough family and friends in the military to know that they didn’t enjoy doing what they did all the time; in fact, alot of the time. But they still did it, because they had a duty to perform. My brother in law was stop lossed into a third tour in the sandbox. He lost alot of friends in those 3 tours, and he had his first kid on the way when he went back for the last time. If anyone had a good reason to not fight, it was him - and he still did his duty. I have no respect for guys who don’t live up to their obligations, and I find it sickly humorous that anyone could defend them.