Canada Is No Longer Safe

so he’ll be imported, have a hearing, and be put in the brig, all of which is paid for out of our military budget, when we can just leave him there. If they actually put him to work doing something useful, :tup:

Joe that’s pretty standard procedure for any criminal. Should we just let people do what they want because prison is expensive?

true… it wouldn’t send a very clear message.

they should just send him to the sandbox and make him cook or something where he wont endanger any of his coworkers

eh, this guy looks like a hippie douche but granted he IS telling the truth, I can sort of relate. In any other job, if the president of the company lies to you about the project you’ll be working on, you can quit. In the military, it’s a crime. Not that I condone what he did, but its pretty much a victimless crime, I think being exiled would be sufficient punishment, instead of wasting more resources on pursuing this. He’s not using any of our shit while he’s in Canada.

they have nyspeed in england

Too bad this isn’t a normal job, its the fuckin military. You just don’t walk away for some BS reason. You signed to do a fucking job, do it and when the time you decided to sign up for is over, you can go home. This isn’t taco bell, we kill people for a day job, the rules are slightly different.

Ok, if you sign up. You were too fucking stupid to realize what you were getting yourself into in the first place. (no offense to Military people, just saying based off his beliefs)

IF he was drafted, then yes I would be on his side.

Yeah, he’s kind of an idiot. I just dont like the precedent this sets should we ever go back to a draft. If I ever got a draft notice for something like the war we’re in now I was planning on being at the guvernment that night. Now I’d have to go a little bit farther.

has anybody who posted in this thread ever been through/part of the military?

especially you, n20junkie?

You know, this sounds awfully familiar.

Stupid people hear about this “buying a house thing” (just like, getting money for college)

Go into bank (just like, recruitment office)

Hear a bunch of cool shit.

Get signed up for something they have a good chance in getting fucked in.

Get fucked.

Pretty sure he’s been on multiple tours. I know for a fact he’s served.

fair enough, but my thoughts are that nobody who has joined up or ever served in the military shouldnt point the finger.the fact is, they havent been through the military or seen what it can do to a person, therefore your opinion doesnt matter.

its easy for you to sit behind your computer and say how someone copped out, but would you have the balls to even sign your name on that dotted line, let alone pick up a gun and go to war?

I joined the military (but due to complications, couldn’t) and if I regretted doing it, too bad for me. He should of thought about joining before doing so, end of story.

The guys a bitch, not a man… he can’t even manage to come and serve his time in the states for being a deserter and get on with his life, let alone do what he willingly signed up to do. He gets NO respect from me.

I hope he never has children. What is going to do “if it’s not what he thought he signed up for”? just cut and run? fing coward

no, but it goes along with the fact that recruiters lie, iv seen it personally being in the army. i completly understand that he needs to fulfill his commitment, but not everyone can accept the fact that they were lied to and they arent fighting for the same reasons as they thought they were.

thats like someone saying here, “go fight this bum in the alley and ill give you $100.”

you get there and they give the bum a gun, the odds are obviously against you, but you have nowhere to go, you have to fight him.

i would also like to add that if anyone is a coward in our government/military, its our president. he has the power to pretty much play battleships with our country and peoples lives and he takes full advantage of it. how do we let someone lead our country into war who has never actually served in a war himself?

for all the warcrimes that we as a country are punishing everyone else for, we have commited those same crimes within these wars in the middle east.

The fact is that I dont need to be a part of the military to know how fucked up it can make someone. I chose to college and work and paying back my loans over a $40,000 signing up bonus and making $1,500 a month to enlist just because I do not want to go to war. I rather work.

but thats your choice, a damn good one if you ask me. i know how it goes, because i have been through the military, also discharge under medical. i have dealt with guys around me who went awol and we have had this discussion many times.

until you actually talk to a person and see whats going on with them, you might understand why some of them are running. nobody is telling them or encouraging them to go awol, but its at its highest rate right now.

also you might be considered a hypocrite for not wanting to be a part of the military, but then sit there and bash someone who is/was for not following through. you cant expect someone to do something you wouldnt do yourself.

then go fucking work at mcdonalds. dont signup for the benefits and decide “i dont wanna actually do what i signed up for and was paid for”.

if someone signed up and took no benefits, pay, enlistment bonus, etc… then find, run. but dont go into it and suddenly not want to fight. you are to be called onto when they need you so man up and do what you signed up for

like i said before, i bet mcdonalds doesnt lie on their applications. i bet they dont tell you they will give you a flat grille to cook burgers on and then after a week you get a george foreman grille.

I don’t see how anyone after 9/11 can actually go into a recruiter and sign up not thinking they’ll have to fight.

Maybe not everyone does, and those apparently are the lucky ones, but to believe you will not have to get shipped over to fight as you watch people get deployed 3 and 4 times is plain ignorant.

yeah, I’ll agree with ya… recruiters do lie, they’re salesmen… they’re trained to hook you in (my brother just got transferred to do recruiting in hamburg… used to do infantry and corrections but due to health problems, can no longer do field type work), but ignorance is no excuse. I thought everyone knew to take what a recruiter says with a grain of salt. Same with car salesmen.

I don’t know… I don’t really care if the guy did what he did, but he should just take it like a man, serve his time and be over with it. I have A LOT of family and friends that are currently serving or have served and a large majority will tell you it was the best thing they ever did for themselves. Taught discipline, self reliance and got them a good head start in life.

of course it’s not for everyone, I do know some people that also ran. To each their own… I just don’t see how someone can use the copout that the dude in Ca is using. BE A MAN and get it over with, stop acting like a baby and trying to pass the buck (I’m sure his lawyer had something to do with it though)