Canada's new Speed Bump

i wish they put this in front of my house instead of the 3-foot speed bumps, literally the biggest speed bumps i’ve come across throughout all of toronto and the only thing stopping me from going lower. i don’t wanna talk about it

So what happens when ppl see it who dont know what it is and spike the brakes causing more problems?? I think bumps work fine.

You have to wonder if the designers of the “speed bump of the future” considered that drivers might become conditioned to disregard Pavement Patty and her imaginary cohorts, creating something similar to a “boy who cried wolf” effect. Couldn’t such conditioning reduce drivers’ caution if a real child should cross their path?

First thing that I thought before reading the article. But then again, it’s not like someone will actually think there’s a child instead of a graphic laying flat on the ground…

i wanna see someone swerve to avoid and slam into a pillar

make the bumpers bigger, people who dont slow down buy more oil pans, mufflers, control arm bushings and struts.

The guy in the van with the free candy is going to be waiting a while…

this will leadto people not stopping for kids…

:word: sounds like its asking for boy who cried wolf type stories.

I definitely slow down for speed bumps, hate those things. I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t unless you’re driving a beater or something with decent ground clearance.

Did you read the article?

Yes. But you really don’t see someone saying “I didn’t slow down til the last second cause I assumed it was a speed bump” after they plow a kid?
However, I did miss that sentence.

Haha. Just checking.

I can’t really see anyone confusing those for a live child in any way, though. I think it would act as a more attention grabbing reminder. People would still act appropriately to an actual person walking across the street.

buy 18’s

speed bumps don’t really suck that bad anymore.

but seriously. eventually i’d do a burnout on the little girl.

Will never work, cause people will remember its fake and still speed…

Why do I feel like I saw this years ago?

Check out the size of her sneaks. Talk about not being in proportion.

lol best idea

maybe thinking of these? 3d sidewalk art - Google Search