The worlds most effective speed bump

Here’s the perfect way to slow down those doggone kids driving their noisy pocket rockets, invading the neighborhood at high speed without regard to the peace and personal safety of the local inhabitants. This Deutsch-speaking dude has created an unusually powerful gadget that will teach those whippersnappers a lesson. Profoundly satisfying. If only these expertly crafted special effects could somehow be practically translated into the real world.


i robbled

hilarity ensues

I thought it was funny.

I failed him because he put in gen auto


That got some distance. :slight_smile:

jesus… imagine if that went off when he was carrying it… he would be dead!

I’d bolt 2 of em to the truck and sweep the country winning those low rider bouncing competition things.


I’d bolt 2 of em to the truck and sweep the country winning those low rider bouncing competition things.


i think you should do it

Heh. I wouldn’t even know where to find one.

A lowrider competition I mean. Not a spring loaded car launcher.


I smiled…

only thing is though, if that was a car with a big wing it would just continue flight.

But you have to get some sort of winch or something to reset it before another car comes speeding along…

maybe its the 4th cup of coffee im on, but that was sooo bad its making me LOL

Balls deep, best part about the clip is he gets back on the throttle.


Balls deep, best part about the clip is he gets back on the throttle.


:tup: +1