Dubai Speed Bumps *VID*

So I guess not everything in Dubai is better than here - The Government installed a rather large speed bump on a street that locals had developed a habit of traveling on at very high speeds. Only one minor problem, the government didn’t tell anyone it had installed the speed bump. Without a sign of warning vehicles hit the mound and leave terra firma, only to land in a shower of sparks as their suspensions bottom out.

And one of the victims? A poor, unexpecting Lambo Gallardo :cry:

Click HERE for VID

omg… thats crazy

Holy shit those last 2 almost lost it :rofl:

wow that think got some nice air :cry:

nose dive FTW

The last one was classic… A big :tup: to the Lambo and his impressive endo… :lol:

can you imagine what that poor guy was thinking?

“Oh man I got a lambo my dick is THISSSS BIGGG im gonna go fast wait whats that no no NO NOOOOO SHIIIIIITTTTTT BOOM DICK IS SHRINKING [size=3]SHRINKING [size=1]shrinking[/size] :cry:”[/size]

Yeah he got turtle dick after that one… LOL*

big :tup: to the lambo driver for not loosing it … holy shit mang

dayamn…that is pretty bad…

that rules.

Its times like this I really need to consider better internet :sigh:

Turtle dick like woah. :open_mouth:

lol thats sweet

Not only that, the lambo driver recovered it, and got BACK on the gas. Damn.

wtf. the vid freezes after the fourth one, every time.

its a cellphone… what do you expect. Newman, you should try it with the Lotus

lol thats crazy.

sorta on the same topic: when i went to ecuador they had speed bumps that they called “sleeping policemen” and you could only do 5mph over otherwise you’d either get stuck or bottom out.

LOL I love that.

We have those here, altough not as effective :slight_smile:
