Gumball 3000 Veyron Impounded

We definitely saw this coming. We’ve been receiving some unconfirmed reports that several of the participants on this year’s Gumball 3000 rally had their cars impounded, and the video after the jump is the first visual evidence we’ve seen. Apparently several of the Gumballers were driving well in excess of the posted speed limit, as high as 170 mph, resulting in three impounded cars, including a Bugatti Veyron, and the drivers going to jail. Follow the jump to hear the MonsterArmy team talk (NSFW) about the impounded cars and to see footage of the Bugatti Veyron getting loaded up onto the flatbed.

They were clocked at 179 by DPS.

The veyron is sitting in a warehouse at a Ford dealer right now.

in for stealing it.

Although it probably feels like nothing in a Veyron, 179 is fucking flying. I’d be more amused at how fast my little marker on the Navigation was moving though. :uhh:

I would be such a dick to the tow truck guy.

At that point though, they were probably in cuffs and at the police station. :frowning:

Yeah, everything I heard was when they got clocked at that speed they were coming DOWN from a 200+ run. I can assure you the NAV does look HILARIOUS at that speed. :roflpicard:

FWIW- the monster guy with the crazy sideburns holds the long distance record for longest jump on a snowmobile.

Paul Thacker:


Honestly a Veyron is probably safer to drive at 180 than some of these mid 90’s POS people still drive,doing 65mph.

200 on a pubic road, hopefully the car gets auctioned off while the driver is stuck in jail.

fuck that.
To afford that car, the guy is probably some VERY high up at some company… which means, he has put more into this economy than probably 1,000 people combined.

harsh harsh…hes got money if hes driving that… i dont see jail time coming from this

200 on a pubic road, hopefully the car gets auctioned off while the driver is stuck getting an STD test.

Not entirely true;

  • Sponsors.

  • Someone who is a “high up” at a company, probably has enough sense to keep his ass out of jail.

  • He could’ve been a high up at Fannie Mae.

I assume he was in the middle of no where doing 170+

Who cares? lots of people go 100+ there.

Don’t see how this is any worse then half the jackasses on here who go 40-130 on the local highways…Often times slowing down traffic :lol:

Yes, 4500 lbs traveling at 200 MPH is much safer than a '95 Corolla weighting 2300 lbs traveling at 65.


edit: no lie, I would be topping that bitch out though. Just cant deal with the argument that its safer.

Yeah looks like he was in the middle of the desert from the pic posted

Probably my favorite video of all time:

what I ment is, he’s probably contributed SO much more to society than thousands of people,combined.
Fuck, if it wasn’t for him paying all that money in taxes, those cops probably wouldn’t have a job.

My argument is invalid though…so continue.

Middle of no where going 170 in a car meant to handle it…

290 going 120 in a Honda hatch back original top speed 65mph with a tail wind…